Blue Iris Integration Tutorial

No it doesn’t look like it is. It’s logged in 6 times over the past 10 minutes. This is the UPS load over the past 3 days. I thought I fixed the issue yesterday by removing the custom models I added to deepstack, but it jumped back up this morning around 9am.

Just to be clear, you completely removed the integration from your system, that mean from HACS also.

Your problem definitely looks different though.

Yes I removed the integration as well as the HACS.

I have been using Home assistant to change my BI profile to “Away” when everyone leaves the house for at least 3 years now and it has worked flawlessly in conjunction with Stunnel. (I only use the WebUI on my remote devices and not the official BI App)

Recently I just happened to walk past my only indoor camera which is a PTZ and it was panning all on it’s own which freaked me out. I went straight to my Blue Iris machine and there was a login from Stunnel showing in the connections screen but both my wife & I were home and neither had logged in.

In my Webserver settings I have the following:

This is the only way I can get the switch I created in Blue Iris to trigger profiles when we leave the house. Is this allowing someone to remotely get access too my Blue Iris machine? Below is an example of the recorded login when I know my wife & I have not logged in:


If I remove the ^ from the Blue Iris Advanced Web Server settings I do not have any weird logins but my Home Assistant Switch does not change profiles from Home to Away.

Would love to hear your thoughts, is there a better way to achieve this as the guide was written a few years ago

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Hi hoping someone can point me in the right direction as I’ve been trying to do something pretty simple for couple of days now.
I’m using BlueIris to send the following MQTT msg;

{ "type": "MOTION_BC", "trigger": "ON", "plate": "ABC123" }

What I want to do is send a notification with the plate value, when the trigger is on. Here is my automation code but I cant seem to get it working;

alias: test
description: ''
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: BlueIris/Out/Status
  - condition: template
    value_template: '"{{ trigger.payload_json[''trigger''] == ''ON'' }}"'
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
      title: test
      message: "{{ trigger.payload_json.plate }}"
mode: single

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I’m not very experienced at this.


Got it working in the end, here is the code if anyone else has the same problem;

alias: Vehicle Entering the Driveway
description: ''
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: BlueIris/In/Status
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json.trigger == "ON" }}'
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
      title: Driveway Activity
      message: 'Vehicle - {{ trigger.payload_json.plate }} - has entered the drive'
mode: single


Nice work. If you don’t mind me asking - how well is the plate detection working? What camera and how is it physically setup? Meaning how close to the entering vehicle, what angle, etc?

Hi Scott, the detection is working very well. I’m using blueiris, with deepstack and The camera is a cheap wifi 1080p one from amazon, nothing special but has been going strong for the last few years. Here’s an image from deepstack so you get an idea of the what it has to work with. The only down fall is that is does not work well in the dark, as the headlights blow out the image to much to capture the plate.



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hi how do you create a sensor with the data from the MQTT response .


Thanks! I am going to look into that. Sounds slick.

For the MQTT sensor just add this to the config.yaml, and change to your own topic config…

     - platform: mqtt
         name: "Driveway Motion In"
         state_topic: "driveway/in"


Shouldn’t entering the camera info into Configuration.yaml create an entity in HA? I’ve tried using the example code directly into configuration.yaml as well as creating a camera.yaml and neither seem to create any entity. My xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor seems to work fine in either location, yet no new camera entity is created even after restarting HA. In a browser pasting the URL and user/PW connects me to the camera, I have BI configured to NOT use secure session. This code is currently in camera.yaml which is specified in Configuration.yaml

  - platform: mjpeg
    name: FrontDoor
    username: TestUser
    password: testpw
    authentication: basic

That worked up until one of the more recent updates, now the cameras are added from the front end in the Integrations section. Just click the Add Integration button and search for MJPEG IP Camera.
I am pretty sure the yaml setup no longer works.

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Wow, thank you! That worked first try! I can see the stream under ‘Media’ working perfectly. What card should I be using in Lovelace to display them? I can add a suggested card by entity but the stream seems very delayed.

EDIT: NM, there is an option on the card to change it to Live. Works nicely!

Since the data is sent as JSON we can add any number of information. I’ve written the following to make it easy to understand and add new variables. Do note that i’ve separated the object and confidence fields to be able to parse it properly

Here is a sample sensor:

- platform: mqtt
  device_class: motion
  name: 'Driveway motion'
  state_topic: 'BlueIris/driveway/Status'
  value_template: "{{ value_json.trigger }}"
  json_attributes_topic: "BlueIris/driveway/Status"
  json_attributes_template: >
        "trigger": "{{ value_json.trigger }}",
        "image": "{{ value_json.image }}",
        "object": "{{ value_json.memo.split(":")[0] }}",
        "confidence": "{{ value_json.memo.split(":")[1].strip('%') | int }}",
        "type": "{{ value_json.type }}"

All you need to do is make sure you’re sending the data as per the manual and then change the “Driveway” to whatever your camera is named

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Thank you, ill try this out

Hi I lnow it’s been a while but how did set the nodered part

Has the initial tutorial/instructions been updated recently? I noticed some images are gone, and I was wondering how much of the whole thing is accurate now?

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I’m interested in this as well

Probably a long shot but really struggling so figured I’d ask. Anyone managed to get the “Auth TLS” settings to work in Blue Iris’s MQTT options? I’m serving up a Let’s Encrypt certificate that matches the hostname I’m using so it’s not self-signed as requested. I tried putting the CA root certificate and the certificate actually being served up by Mosquitto in the magic spot in Blue Iris’s folder but no joy. Also basically no information, it just says “Connect Error 10” or “Connect Error 6” and those error codes do not seem to be explained anywhere.

About ready to give up and just turn off encryption but figured I’d toss it out there to see if anyone on here has managed to power through this.