Blue Iris Integration Tutorial

Can I ask how you got it to work? My cameras stopped displaying in home assistant recently without any changes on my part (it was working for months before until recently- not sure if the recent HA updates broke anything).

What part you need? Many settings needed. You have blue iris set to work lan-only no authentication?

The below is my set up.

In configuration.yaml…
camera: !include cameras.yaml

In cameras.yaml…

In Blue Iris, I have the following.

When I check my HA logs, I am seeing the error below.
InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:

Not sure if this is related to HA trying to access my cameras (it should be trying to access locally over http not https). My lovelace picture entity card looks like this:

  • type: picture-entity
    title: Backyard
    entity: camera.backyard
    camera_image: camera.backyard
    show_info: true

As mentioned before, I haven’t made any changes to my config besides updating Hassio (currently on 0.92.2) and it all of a sudden stopped working. Did you have to do anything with SSL/certificates to get it to work?

Two things I see different.

I would start with the mpeg_url in cameras.yaml “mjpeg_url:

Then I unchecked the “use secure session keys and login page” in blue iris

Try those and report back

I made those two changes and when I log into homeassistant I see the following.
1.) The still image that is refreshed every 5 seconds or so is still not displaying.
2.) However when I click into the camera, I am (finally!) able to view the stream from the camera.

Is this the same behavior on your end as well or are you able to get #1 to show up?

correct. Still image every so many minutes then click and show live stream.

Thanks for your help @scubieman! It is so strange that everything had been working perfectly up to this point and then it broke lol. Thankfully those two changes you suggested fixed the stream. I am still not sure why #1 doesn’t show up for me though (you would think if you have the stream, you’d have the still image).

1 camera doesnt work still?

The stream works- it is the still image that refreshes every few minutes that does not work. I see that there is a “still_image_url” parameter I could set for this component, however I don’t think I want to use this since I’d still want the image to refresh every few minutes or so.

Try the below once for one of the cameras. I found some things are picky on the order you put the details.

camera_image: camera.front_camera
entity: camera.front_camera
show_info: true
tap_action: dialog
title: Front Walkway Camera
type: picture-entity

Thanks @TaperCrimp!
This made my transition from MotionEye to BlueIris very easy.
I’m going to include a link to this post in a video soon.
Thanks again for a nice concise and very helpful post!


Thanks! Considering the number of people that cite your videos, I’d consider that an honor :).

Is there a way to send a snapshot of a camera via automation to a mobile device? Something like an email or direct notification…

Not directly from Blue Iris. It can be done with Home Assistant though. It needs to be updated, but I’d put together a guide on doing this with the iOS app or from Pushover.

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Anyone had any success with Blue Iris 5 integration? It seems like these URLs now require additional login with BI5 (even with credentials provided in the link or via the camera yaml).

Go to Settings → Web Server → Advanced. You’ll likely need to uncheck “Use secure session keys and login page”.

Yep, you rock. Thanks.

Glad to help. I also just updated the guide.

@DrZzs why did you decide to switch to Blue Iris? How does it compare to motioneye for your uses? I’ve loved your camera videos lately and am looking to set up a surveillance system, and was surprised to see that you had switched.

I can’t speak to @DrZzs, but I’ve used Blue Iris for years. It’s really difficult to beat all of the functionality you get for the price. As far as I can tell, it’s also develop by one guy that is extremely active in the BI forums, e.g. someone will point out a bug and it’s fixed in the next release. It only runs on Windows but the web interface is pretty solid too, so you can run it headless if necessary. I’ve got it running on my desktop which is on 24/7.

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