Blue Iris MQTT and HA Automation

Just getting into HA and am not YAML proficient.
So far I have configured my setup following this video:

It seems to trigger and show “detected” in HA but the first issue is it will not show “clear” unless I reboot HA.

My goal is to have BI sense motion from my patio camera and turn on the patio light (kasa switch), then turn off after maybe 10 minutes of no motion.

Also a sunset/sunrise condition.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Can you please share the yaml config for your MQTT binary_sensors that you created so we can see if there is something wrong there.
However, if you say the binary_sensor stays in the ‘detected’ state then it seems like the required “off” state is not being sent from BI. If you can also post images of your ‘on alert’ and ‘on reset’ actions that will be helpful too.

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- name: “Patio Cam Motion”
state_topic: BlueIris/binary_sensor/xps_patio_motion/state
payload_on: “ON”
payload_off: “OFF”
device_class: motion
unique_id: “blueirispatiocam”

I’m new to this myself, but I would say you probably want to use the event: type rather than binary_sensor:. Because detected motion is an event, not a state. That way you don’t need to worry about state at all.