Blueiris camera's in HASS

Ok guys, I’ll do a writeup of the code and the settings i used in Blue Iris in a new thread. I’m even going to create 2 drop down boxes in HASS, one to select the camera and one for the target chromecast device. With that you can pick the values for which camera to cast to which device!!!

Link is here


That would be great feature to know. Please share when you have time to do the doc

The link is directly above your message :wink:

I am trying to include iframe for my BlueIrs. when I say my BlueIris what I mean is the URL similar to this which I could use from any PC in my home network to view Blue Iris (9 cameras set up).

For some reason iframe come with a blank page. I have few Ifames in HA working (router, Access Point and Node Red). I never got to get my Synology NAS to iframe as Synology system does not allow.

My Config

title: ‘Node-RED Flows’
url: ‘http://hassio.local:1880
icon: mdi:nodejs
title: ‘Huwai Router’
icon: ‘mdi:router-wireless’
url: ‘
title: ‘TP_Link AP’
icon: ‘mdi:router-wireless’
url: ‘

title: ‘Blue Iris’
icon: ‘mdi:cctv’

I also tried URL:

still same result
Anyone could help

I’ve just started playing with this. For some reason, Blue Iris is super slow at triggering these alerts… are there any options I should be looking for to speed this up?

Hi All,
first time here so please be patient with me… :grinning:

I am trying to get motion from Blue Iris , I believe I have this set up correctly as I do get the binary sensor in HA . I have followed JesseWebDotCom example but cut it down to suit one camera . In HA I do see the binary senor change state “off” to “on” and the group motion state change from"Off" to “unknown” ? Group motion won’t change to “On” or change back to “Off” Any ideas ? Checked syntax is ok .

In Group

name: Motion Outdoor (Camera)
view: no
icon: mdi:camcorder
- sensor.motion_camera_front_cam

In configuration

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: ‘Front Cam’
    value_template: >-
    {% if states. binary_sensor.blue_iris_cam1.state %}
    {% if is_state(’ binary_sensor.blue_iris_cam1’, ‘on’) %}
    {% elif is_state(’ binary_sensor.blue_iris_cam1’, ‘off’) %}
    {% else %}
    {{ states(’ binary_sensor.blue_iris_cam1’) }}
    {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

    • platform: template
      friendly_name: Motion
      unit_of_measurement: ‘On’
      value_template: >
      {% set total = 0 %}
      {% if is_state(’ binary_sensor.blue_iris_cam1’, ‘on’) %}
      {% set total = total + 1 %}
      {% endif %}

Thanks in advance

Hi All,
found problem , was syntax error .

Thanks anyway.

Does this method still work. I did this when TEST I get a response and not error. However no detentions recorded in HA entity register

I followed @ [JesseWebDotCom] is method in HA and I am only seeing “off” state only

would you mind sharing the correct syntax. I am having issues where I seeing “off” in the UI.

How did you set up the Blue Iris. I followed method as per @ Sebastien_Couture in this thread. I do not get error doing TEST in Blue Iris but HA is not detecting anything



  • platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: http://cam_ip:81/mjpg/Cam1
    name: Side
    username: admin
    password: !secret cam_pw
    authentication: basic

name: CCTV1
view: yes
- camera.back
- camera.kennel

Thats it…

Would you mid sharing HA configuration side.
Do I need to define the camera in configuration.yaml and the then a sensor for motion detection? If so would you mind sharing code you have?

Wll I have my camera in configuration.yaml

  • platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: !secret bi_url_entrance
    name: entrance
    username: !secret bi_un
    password: !secret bi_pw
    authentication: basic

Then in sensors.yaml

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: ‘entrance’
    value_template: >-
    {% if states.binary_sensor.blueiris_entrance.state %}
    {% if is_state(‘binary_sensor.blueiris_entrance’, ‘on’) %}
    {% elif is_state(‘binary_sensor.blueiris_entrance’, ‘off’) %}
    {% else %}
    {{ states(‘binary_sensor.blueiris_entrance’) }}
    {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: Motion
    unit_of_measurement: ‘On’
    value_template: >
    {% set total = 0 %}
    {% if is_state(‘binary_sensor.blueiris_entrance’, ‘on’) %}
    {% set total = total + 1 %}
    {% endif %}

In groups.yaml
name: Motion BI Cams
icon: mdi:camcorder
- sensor.motion_camera_entrance

In the entity register I see
binary_sensor.blue_iris_entrance with status “OFF”. I also have entity sensor.motion_camera_entrance with status “OFF”

In the BuleIris application I used

Should it be "" not ""

OK. I figured out part of it. I had in camera sensor.blue_iris and in HA sensor.yaml sensor.blueiris. When i made these same I get sensor.motion_camera_entrance and binary_sensor.blueiris_entrance in entity register. But both state “off”

When I manually trigger TEST in Blue Iris app then I get “on” state in HA for the sensors above.

However it remain “on”. Does not revert back to “off”. Also only when I manually trigger TEST this happen. BI does not seems to be triggering it on its own automatically. I am on BI 4.8.xx. Since I have 10 cameras I checked for several more. Only manual trigger change state in HA to “on” but then it never turn back off AND BI does not trigger on/offs per detection

If anyone reading above comments from me please ignore them. Both HTTP and MQTT methods discussed in this forum work.

Why I had issues was due to the fact that I had applied a profile (where I have excluded certain time periods to ignore for recordings in BI). As I have been testing within the excluded time periods I did not get any triggers!!!. My bad.

Thanks for all the guys who provided insight here

I have been trying to use the command_line sensor but i am getting error in Hassio. I can run the curl command from ssh and it returns the value but not through hassio .

Command failed: curl -k --silent “http://192.168.xx.xx:xxx/get_status.cgi?user=xxx&pwd=xx” | grep -oP “(?<=alarm_status=).*?(?=;)”

This is my sensors.yaml

- platform: command_line
  name: "Outside Camera Motion"
  command: 'curl -k --silent http://192.168.xx.xx:xxx/get_status.cgi?user=xxx&pwd=xx" | grep -oP "(?<=alarm_status=).*?(?=;)" | grep -oP "(?<=alarm_status=).*?(?=;)"'
  value_template: >-
    {%- if value == "0" -%}
    {%- elif value == "1" -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  scan_interval: 3

Where can i check more detail about error.

You’ll have to give hassio permission to run commands on the host.

I’ve done it in regular docker on Linux but I’m not sure how to do it on HassOS.

Maybe it’s the same. Maybe it’s not. I have no idea.

Here is the procedure I used. I had to make a couple of changes but I can’t remember what right off the top of my head.

And if that doesn’t fix it I’m not sure what else could be wrong. I don’t use Hassio for reasons exactly like yours. It’s harder to find support outside of these forums.

Did anyone figure this out? I just wired up blueiris to use HTTPS and I’m having issues getting the cameras working in HA. I updated the configs to this, but no dice:

- platform: mjpeg
  name: Garage Camera

The URL works if you view it in a browser

edit: I’m guessing the issue is the cert is really for the specific domain name, not that internal IP address, so that’s probably why it’s refusing to go through. In blue iris I set it back to allow http over lan and updated HA back to what I originally had

You can test this by adjusting your host file. Create entry to point to the hostname cert is issued to. On Windows this file is in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Let me know how you make out with it. I use Blue Iris and HTTP right now. I’m pretty good with certs so perhaps I can take a crack at it this weekend.

Just wanted to say that there is now official documentation for integrating Blue Iris and it can be found at

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