Blueprint - automation - “Automation is unavailable”

This is a double post since I am not sure if it is directly related to the blueprint I am using or this is some other reason. What could be wrong and how can I get the “device id” see below.

I get: `“Automation is unavailable”. after recent update of HA and the automation stopped working:

When I try to change/correct the automation I get: “Message malformed: unknown device”.

the automation yaml:

alias: Udate Notification
description: >-
  path: mdegat01/update_notifications.yaml
    reminder_hours: "3"
      - update.home_assistant_core_update
      - update.esphome_update
      - update.file_editor_update
      - update.glances_update
      - update.home_assistant_operating_system_update
      - update.grafana_update
      - update.home_assistant_supervisor_update
      - update.influxdb_update
      - update.mosquitto_broker_update
      - update.mariadb_update
      - update.mqtt_explorer_update
      - update.node_red_update
      - update.samba_backup_update
      - update.samba_share_update
      - update.sqlite_web_update
      - update.traccar_update
      - update.z_wave_js_update
      - update.studio_code_server_update
      - update.ssh_web_terminal_update
    mobile_app_device: 7ba2dc2804c0d84f75ad1d3084663c05
    send_to_ha: true

Tried to delete the device via gui and reselect does not work.

I see:

Automations referencing non-existing devices do not work after installing 2023.11.0b1

opened Oct 27, 2023

iridris iridris

The problem After upgrading to 2023.11.0b1 from b0, multiple device IDs cha

But I cannot really find a solution or find how to change the mobile_app_device id

What should I do the get it going? What “device id” should I use? Where is that?

What changed? How to solve?

Hey, is anyone able to help out?

Solution was posted on the other thread. Just for reference for anyone ending up here with this issue.

Summary: the devices that receive notifications marked as “optional” are not optional at all anymore.

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