This is a double post since I am not sure if it is directly related to the blueprint I am using or this is some other reason. What could be wrong and how can I get the “device id” see below.
I get: `“Automation is unavailable”. after recent update of HA and the automation stopped working:
When I try to change/correct the automation I get: “Message malformed: unknown device”.
the automation yaml:
alias: Udate Notification
description: >-
path: mdegat01/update_notifications.yaml
reminder_hours: "3"
- update.home_assistant_core_update
- update.esphome_update
- update.file_editor_update
- update.glances_update
- update.home_assistant_operating_system_update
- update.grafana_update
- update.home_assistant_supervisor_update
- update.influxdb_update
- update.mosquitto_broker_update
- update.mariadb_update
- update.mqtt_explorer_update
- update.node_red_update
- update.samba_backup_update
- update.samba_share_update
- update.sqlite_web_update
- update.traccar_update
- update.z_wave_js_update
- update.studio_code_server_update
- update.ssh_web_terminal_update
mobile_app_device: 7ba2dc2804c0d84f75ad1d3084663c05
send_to_ha: true
Tried to delete the device via gui and reselect does not work.
I see:
Automations referencing non-existing devices do not work after installing 2023.11.0b1
opened Oct 27, 2023
The problem After upgrading to 2023.11.0b1 from b0, multiple device IDs cha…
But I cannot really find a solution or find how to change the mobile_app_device
What should I do the get it going? What “device id” should I use? Where is that?
What changed? How to solve?