(I searched but found nothing about this question)
Is there possibile to create Switches or Lights via Blueprints?
I’m currently able to add Template Sensors and Binary_sensors using:
- use_blueprint:
path: filename.yaml
input_1: "abc"
name: "Sensor name"
unique_id: unique_iiiiiid
name: NAME
domain: template (<-- I also tried to change it to 'light' or 'switch' and put it to relative YAML file)
name: Input1
selector: ...
- platform: state
entity_id: !input 'input_1'
sensor OR binary_sensor: (<-- tried to use 'light' or 'switch' without success)
but I didn’t found any way to do same thing for Lights and Switches.
I have many of those that I would like to convert in a blueprint to avoid needing to edit all of them at each change/fix I would made.
Thx in advance