Blueprint for new entities like Light, Switch, etc

(I searched but found nothing about this question)

Is there possibile to create Switches or Lights via Blueprints?
I’m currently able to add Template Sensors and Binary_sensors using:

- use_blueprint:
    path: filename.yaml
      input_1: "abc"
  name: "Sensor name"
  unique_id: unique_iiiiiid
  name: NAME
  domain: template  (<-- I also tried to change it to 'light' or 'switch' and put it to relative YAML file)
      name: Input1
      selector: ...
  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input 'input_1'
sensor OR binary_sensor: (<-- tried to use 'light' or 'switch' without success)

but I didn’t found any way to do same thing for Lights and Switches.
I have many of those that I would like to convert in a blueprint to avoid needing to edit all of them at each change/fix I would made.

Thx in advance