It would be very nice if we could add support for Markdown syntax in the Blueprints inputs description.
Since, for some time now, I have been creating Blueprints for my repetitive automations. As a result, I now have some interesting Blueprints in my instance that I would like to share. But some fields in these Blueprints are rather complex to understand and therefore make sharing a bit complicated.
It is complicated to properly explain how an input works since the description of an input is only plain text (does not even support multiple lines), unlike the title of a Blueprint which can use Markdown and multi-line.
I’m sure that several Blueprints including mines would take advantage of this feature to clarify the description of certain inputs that are more complex to understand for an average user.
I have already built a functional version of this feature on my DEV environment. If you want, you can go see the pull request on the Github of Home Assistant Frontend .
I am also currently confused by the markdown in description. I have tried adding a code block and horizontal rules to no success. The documentation says that description supports markdown. Has anyone else gotten this to work?
The documentation says that description supports markdown
Indeed, the documentation says that the blueprint description supports Markdown.
But for the inputs descriptions , the documentation doesn’t talk about Markdown.
This is why I’m making this post.
I would like to get this feature added. I have already built a functional version of this feature on my DEV environment. If you want, you can go see the pull request on the Github of Home Assistant Frontend .
This has now been added (2022.5) to Automation Blueprints but strangely not to script blueprints.
Perhaps there could be someone with the knowledge to help with this?
Yeah I know, I’m the one that added it , But thanks!
@sisimomo added Markdown support to Blueprint input descriptions, allowing you to add links to, for example, documentation in your Blueprints.
← sisimomo:blueprint-input-descriptions-markdown
opened 02:22AM - 11 Apr 22 UTC
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It would be very nice if we could add support for Markdown syntax in the Blueprints inputs description.
Since, for some time now, I have been creating Blueprints for my repetitive automations. As a result, I now have some interesting Blueprints in my instance that I would like to share. But some fields in these Blueprints are rather complex to understand and therefore make sharing a bit complicated.
It is complicated to properly explain how an input works since the description of an input is only plain text (does not even support multiple lines), unlike the description of a Blueprint which can use Markdown and multi-line.
I’m sure that several Blueprints including mines would take advantage of this feature to clarify the description of certain inputs that are more complex to understand for an average user.
Here are a side by side comparaison of my blueprint.
<td valign="top"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27745204/162652295-d3caa3f4-6d1a-4b52-aa3a-63e08f99f74f.png" alt="Before"></td>
<td valign="top"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27745204/162859504-93ebfdd7-bfb1-4e78-9f14-7a8cbeea2cc3.png" alt="After"></td>
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## Example configuration
Supplying a configuration snippet, makes it easier for a maintainer to test
your PR.
name: Motion Light Tutorial
description: Turn a light on based on detected motion
domain: automation
name: Motion Sensor
description: |
This sensor will be synchronized with the light.
## Here is a Markdown and multilne input description
- __This is strong text!__
- *This is emphasized text!*
domain: binary_sensor
device_class: motion
name: Lights
description: |
The lights to keep in sync.
## Some HTML
<li><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean fringilla velit sit amet lectus tincidunt, quis suscipit tortor maximus. Vestibulum facilisis sit amet tortor sed vestibulum.</p>
<p>Sed nec egestas leo. Nam tristique tincidunt venenatis. Vestibulum vel justo tincidunt, aliquet sapien vitae, vestibulum ex.</p>
<p>Donec commodo, nunc in posuere condimentum, diam est gravida ex, quis varius nisi neque et nunc.</p>
<li><p>Nulla facilisi. Mauris eleifend felis a purus pretium egestas</p>
domain: light
- platform: state
entity_id: !input motion_sensor
- service: >
{% if trigger.to_state.state == "on" %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
target: !input target_light
## ~~Additional information~~
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- ~~Link to documentation pull request:~~
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[docs-repository]: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io
Ahh, awesome. Thanks for that, I’m using it, but my script blueprints are oh, so lonely…
1 Like
(Matt Dolnik)
June 4, 2022, 7:02pm
Don’t know if it has changed since, but as of HA 2022.5.4
, markdown works for me in the main Blueprint Script description, but does not work in the description of individual selectors.
It has always worked in the main description, both places. I have not tried in a few weeks, but the only place it doesn’t work is the script input descriptions, which was what Sisimomo added for the Automation Blueprints.