Blueprint input selector for lamps and areas

Hi community,

I’ve got a question regarding creating a new blueprint that should help using a remote control for controlling light. You can find my current version here:

The blueprint works as expected, but I would want to change the selector of the light. Right now, I only can select one or more lights, but I want to achieve is a selector that looks like the selector when selecting the target in the “Light on” action:

Can anyone help me with finding the right entity selector?

Thanks a lot!

Read the documentation? It is a target selector.

Hm thanks for that hint, but this tells me its not for my inputs in the blueprint but only for actions?

Targets are meant to be used with the target property of an action in a script sequence.

I don’t understand your question/concerns. Your blueprint only uses the absolutely most basic light.turn_on / off actions. Really cannot get any simpler than that when it comes to using the output of a target selector. Just feed the output of the selector directly into target instead of entity_id on the action.

Got it working, thank you! I was missing the stacking of target and entity:
