Blueprint logic fail :(

I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the yaml for this. I have a blueprint (I created last winter so I barely remember it) for multi-zoned heating schedule and I am trying to add a boost function. With the rising costs of energy we only want heating on in the evening regardless of being home during the day or not.

The automation runs once a minute to turn the heating on or off

So this works fine

- choose:
  - conditions:
    - condition: state
      entity_id: !input 'schedule_enabled'
      state: 'on'
    - condition: or
      - condition: state
        entity_id: !input 'person1'
        state: home
      - condition: state
        entity_id: !input 'person2'
        state: home
    - condition: or
      - condition: time
        before: !input 'weekend_stop'
        after: !input 'weekend_start'
          - sat
          - sun
      - condition: time
        before: !input 'weekday_stop'
        after: !input 'weekday_start'
          - mon
          - tue
          - wed
          - thu
          - fri

However I am trying to add a boost function to it and whenever I add this to the above it just all goes wrong

        - condition: state
          entity_id: !input 'boost_override'
          state: 'on'  

The logic I want is
If the boost is enabled → heating on regardless of anything else
if the schedule is enabled AND someone is home AND within the weekday or weekend times → heating on

Anyone got any ideas?


It would not work if you were trying to add it in line with the other conditions. You would need to add another choose condition.

thanks @walrus_parka for the reply, means I will need to duplicate the sequence but thats not a big deal its not like its large. Had not even entered my head that was an option. Glad to see my failure was because it was not possible rather than me being a dufus!