Blueprint that uses Nordpool and lets you turn on devices on the cheapest hours and make automations based on that information

This blueprint lets uses nordpool data to rank hours from cheapest to most expensive so you can select how many hours you want to count as cheap and you can in addition to that select where in the price span from cheapest(0%) to most expensive(100%) you count as cheap this way if you select that you want 12 hours of on time or below 50% of the price span as minimum the devices will be on for 12 hours but if the price is low most of the day but have a short peek price it may be enabled for more hours.
If you set start and end minutes to different values the devices will be on from start minute to end minute if the price is lower than Always off price that can be useful for when controlling heating that you want to run at least for a short time every hour to not let the temp drop to much if there is a long expensive period.

Start minute
Set the minute in hour to check if the price is low

End minute
If this is different than Start minute the turn on action will be performed by if price is lower than allways_off and on the end minute the turnoff action will be performed if expencive hour

Hours on
Set the minimum of hours per day that the devices should be on

Hour percent
Max percent between minimum and maximum price of the day to turn on devices

Always on price
if the price is below this the device is always on (ignoring Hours on and Hour percent)

Always off price
if the price is above this the device is always off (ignoring Hours on and Hour percent)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

  name: Nordpool price based on off
  description: This blueprints uses the nordpool integration and lets you turn on devices on the cheapest hours and make automations based on that information.
  domain: automation
      name: Grid area sensor
      description: This is your grid area sensor
          - sensor
          integration: nordpool
          multiple: false
      name: Start minute
      description: Set the minute in hour to check if the price is low
      default: 0
          min: 0.0
          max: 59.0
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: End minute
      description: If this is different than Start minute the turn on action will be 
performed by if price is lower than allways_off and on the end minute the turnoff 
action will be performed if expencive hour
      default: 0
          min: 0.0
          max: 59.0
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: Hours on
      description: Set the minimum of hours per day that the devices should be on
      default: 12
          min: 0.0
          max: 24.0
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: Hour percent
      description: Max percent between minimum and maximum price of the day to turn
        on devices
      default: 50
          min: 0.0
          max: 100.0
          mode: slider
          step: 5.0
      name: Always on price
      description: if the price is below this the device is always on (ignoring Hours
        on and Hour percent)
      default: 0.0
          min: 0.0
          max: 20.0
          mode: slider
          step: 0.1
      name: Always off price
      description: if the price is above this the device is always off (ignoring Hours
        on and Hour percent)
      default: 20
          min: 0.0
          max: 20.0
          mode: slider
          step: 0.1
      name: TurnOn
      description: Actions to run to turn on devices
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: TurnOff
      description: Actions to run to turn off devices
      default: []
        action: {}
  grid_area_var: !input grid_area
  hour_rank_var: !input hour_rank
  hour_ratio_var: !input hour_ratio
  allways_on_var: !input allways_on
  allways_off_var: !input allways_off
  start_minute_var: !input start_minute
  end_minute_var: !input end_minute
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: !input start_minute
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: !input end_minute
- choose:
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: >-
        {% set prices = state_attr(grid_area_var, 'today') | list %} 
        {% set h = now().hour %} 
        {% set m = now().minute %}
        {% set price = prices[h] %} 
        {% set sorted_prices = prices | sort %} 
        {% set above_low = prices[h] - sorted_prices[0] %} 
        {% set diff = sorted_prices[23] - sorted_prices[0] %} 
        {% set ratio = ( above_low / diff ) * 100 | round %} 
        {% set rank = sorted_prices.index(price) + 1 %}
        {% set seton = ( m | int == start_minute_var | int and start_minute_var | int != end_minute_var | int ) or price | float <= allways_on_var | float or ratio | int <= hour_ratio_var | int or rank | int <= hour_rank_var | int %}
        {{ price | float < allways_off_var | float and seton }}
    sequence: !input turnon
  default: !input turnoff

Be nice to me this is my first attempt at creating a blueprint :slight_smile:


very nice made blueprint. Big thank you!
Can you explain for me in more details.

  1. For example: Start Minute in hour to check price should be 59 and end minute should be 1? Because in this way it will check last hour and will compare with new hour (ongoing hour)?

  2. Always off hour max is 20. Which measurement unit is 20 or what currency?

  3. For example if I want that automation will start at 6.00 and finish 22.00 I just need to set conditions for Turn On (Action to turn on devices)
    Fixed Time → After 6.00 and Fixed time → Before 22.00

  4. Turn Off ( Action to turn off devices). Just set device what I want to turn off and no conditions?

Thank you in advance for more information how to set this automation correct.

1: If start minute and end minute differs then it will be “on” between those times if they are the same the price will be checked. So start should be less then end and its better to have them in the low range e.g start 0 and end 15 to be on for the first 15 minutes every hour.

2: the currency depends on your nordpool integration so check the value from the selected grid area sensor.

3: yes you can add additional conditions to turn on and turn off actions, but be aware that if you want it to always be on or off when not within the period you need to add the same conditions to both turn on and and turn off but with the wanted state.

4: I think the reply in 3 covers this.

Thank you for quick replay!
My idea is that I want to keep some of my lights on from 6.00 to 22.00. But only if price is cheap.
When price is expensive lights should be turned off and automatically turned on when price it´s again cheap. All that cycle should be from 6.00 to 22.00
My grid are is: nordpool_kwh_oslo_nok_3_10_025

My settings looks like this now:
Start minute: 0 End minute: 0
Hours on: 16
Hour percent: 50
Always on price: 0
Always off price: 20 (my currency is NOK)
Device on ( Test Confirm the time is after 06:00 and before 22:00)
Device off ( Test Confirm the time is after 06:00 and before 22:00)

Should all this setup work in this way how I want? What is your opinion?

By the way price right now - 2.78Kr ( which is expensive) and my device turned on because hour changed and it was time with 00 of minute in the end. I mean for example 14:00.
I think it should not tun of because of the price?


the settings you have will keep the light on for at least 16 hours (the 16 cheapest) and if the price curve is quite flat with a peek it might be on more depending on the curve.

Device on ( Test Confirm the time is after 06:00 and before 22:00) add an or case that turn the lights off if the time is not within that time.

Device off ( Test Confirm the time is after 06:00 and before 22:00) if you want the lights to be off when expensive or 22-06 then you do not need the condition here.

With the changes in on and of parts I think it will work as you want.

By the way the price here in SE4 is topping out at 7.49 Sek (7.54 Nok) today! :grimacing:

Nice blueprint - thanks!
Which grid sensor did you use?


It’s built for nordpool and I’m using the one for se4.

It looks like it works. When there was price spike above 7NOK it turned off lights and when price normalized light came back. Now I need to see if light will be not triggered between 22.00 and 6.00.
If everything will work as I would like then you will be my hero! It will be the first blueprint with minimal adaptation to my system.
I still don´t understand value of (Always off price) which in your blueprint is set by default for 20.
Is it 20SEK and in my case it´s 20NOK or it´s something different?
Thank you!

for some reason it not stops to work at 22.00. At 23.00 it tuned on again.

The always on and always off prices can be set so for example if you set them to 1.0 and 3.0 it will always be on if the price is lower or equal to 1.0 nok in your case and allways off if the price is above 3.0 nok so if the max price one day is 0.9 nok it will be on 24h and if the min price is 3.1 it will be off 24h if start and end minutes are the same.

sorry for all those questions. :smile: , but sadly with time frame ( from 22.00pm to 6.00am light always should be off) blue print not working. Perhaps I don´t know how to setup properly.
I have perfectly working other blueprint for humidity extractor and with my given time frame it works like a charm. Of course in that blueprint you can set when time frame. Don´t need to use conditions.

I think you only missing the 22-6 condition in the turn on section of the script that set the light to off, may sound strange but for your wanted function it is needed.

Thanks for your help Mikael!
I am trying all different scenarios. Of course it takes time ( because it´s in real time and I need wait for price difference ans so on).
But for sure I will try your suggested option. Right now I am trying with conditions (IF)

Device ON
added conditions:
If → confirm time is after 6:00. Device on.
Else → Turn off

Device OFF
added conditions:
If → confirm time is after 22:00. Device off.
Else → Turn on

I created those conditions yesterday in the evening around 23.00
This morning 9.00 lights turned on and they are still on. Hour percent set to 5

Remove the if case from device off and always turn off there then it will work

Great blueprint MikaelUlvesjo thanks for that, and i have a questione.
Is it also posible too plan a limit for 3 hours a day from 18:00 till 8:00 on the cheapest 3 hours to charged a bike battery, becource is not good for this battery to connect it the hole night long?


Sorry for the late reply,
No ste script only have support for minimum hours on not max.

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