Blueprint: Turn off automation when gone Then back on when back

My first real automation and first blueprint

The link is as follows:
Don’t expect to see beta working. But if you want to drop a hint or make some corrections, feel free.

As a side note, I have yet to test it. I have been locked indoors. and won’t be able to test it for maybe 2 weeks. Feel free to report it as not working.

Why? I need to kill an automation when gone. Such as motion triggers. Lights come on when the cats wander around. And well I only want that when I am on vacation.

Things that bug me:
Will need to put 5 users in. But you can repeat users. I capped it at five. but if people really need more I will make a new blueprint and put it under here.

Features to come:
Clean up of this home page
Clean up of text
trigger between times (Something I am just not getting with the scripts so I will do it later)
Maybe Google Cal integration

Wouldn’t this be far easier using a group of person entities?

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Yes it would. That was something I tried to do but kept getting screwed up because of an odd issue I am having with GitHub

I think What I am going to do is make 2 scripts. One for easy mode. Two for groups. I think the idea behind blueprints are for people to make things easier for new people or those who have issues scripting. And adding a group could be “too hard” for the new user. While I get Linux and I am semi-familiar with everything on hass. I don’t expect everyone to be. Unless I can find a way to make a group for the users I will let others pick an easy mode. I expect to have a few script options to do the same thing.

While I use it for ease or new ideas…

I think the biggest thing for me is to find a way to test to make sure it is actually working. Making my phone think I am not home so I can make sure the triggers work

So it is coming.

The only thing I see is that the states in your “trigger:” & “condition:” sections are incorrect.

A “person” who is not in the home zone or in any other known zone is “not_home” instead of “Away”.

You can verify this by looking in the dev-tools states page. It wont say “away” it will say “not_home”.