Blueprints Dashboard Empty

I have no blueprints in my Blueprints Dashboard.

I have no blueprints in the “Select A Blueprint” dropdown when creating a new automation.

I have at least two blueprints in the following folder blueprints/automation/homeassistant

Can anyone help me work out where I am going wrong?

Still trying to find the answer to this. Am I the only person with no blueprints?

OK. For anyone who finds this, I have solved the problem.

It seems that I had some bad blueprints or they were in the wrong folders - I don’t really know, but the following worked.

I used file editor to make sure that the following folder /config/blueprints/ only had two folders:


I deleted out all blueprints and re-downloaded them, and made sure that the only place that I have blueprints in the automation folder.

Blueprints now show up in the blueprints dashboard and I can configure them. Everything is now working.