Blueprints, templates, and how to access weather forecasts via service call

I had posted this thread a while back and I thought I had understood the suggestions there but now that I’m trying this, I’m having some major problems getting this to work.

tl;dr - HA has removed the forecast attribute from weather providers in favor of a service call. I’m attempting to re-create existing blueprints to use the new approach.

I’ve created an MVP blueprint where I’m attempting to select a weather provider, a forecast interval, a forecast index, and a specific attribute. It should then display the result as a notification. Here is a working example that will display the entire forecast object as returned by the service call:

  name: "Weather forecast notification"
  domain: automation
      name: "Weather provider"
      description: "Select the weather provider to obtain the forecast"
          domain: weather
      name: "Forecast interval"
      description: 'Forecast interval, one of "hourly", "twice daily", or "daily". Not all intervals are available for all providers.'
      default: "daily"
            - "hourly"
            - "twice_daily"
            - "daily"
      name: "Forecast index"
      description: 'Select a specific forecast, the current time interval will be index "0". Increment this number for future forecasts based on the interval above. For example, a "daily" interval with index 2 will be the daily forecast 2 days from now'
      default: 0
          min: 0
          max: 48
          mode: slider
          unit_of_measurement: index
      name: "Enter the desired forecast attribute"
      description: 'Type in the name of the desired forecast attribute for your provider. "condition" is a common attribute for many providers.'
      default: "condition"

  weather_provider: !input weather_provider
  forecast_interval: !input forecast_interval
  forecast_index: !input forecast_index
  forecast_attribute: !input forecast_attribute


  - service: weather.get_forecasts
      entity_id: !input weather_provider
      type: "{{forecast_interval}}"
    response_variable: weather_forecast
  - service: notify.persistent_notification
      title: "Weather Forecast"
      message: "Forecast: {{ weather_forecast }}"

For test purposes, I’ve selected the following:

weather_provider: weather.home
forecast_interval: daily
forecast_index: 2

This works and displays something like:

Forecast: {'weather.home': {'forecast': [{'condition': 'sunny', 'datetime': '2024-05-08T16:00:00+00:00', 'wind_bearing': 297.0, 'temperature': 72, 'templow': 57, 'wind_speed': 9.38, 'precipitation': 0.0, 'humidity': 58}, {'condition': 'cloudy', 'datetime': '2024-05-09T16:00:00+00:00', 'wind_bearing': 68.8, 'temperature': 61, 'templow': 49, 'wind_speed': 15.66, 'precipitation': 0.16, 'humidity': 71}, {'condition': 'cloudy', 'datetime': '2024-05-10T16:00:00+00:00', 'wind_bearing': 305.9, 'temperature': 62, 'templow': 43, 'wind_speed': 9.63, 'precipitation': 0.06, 'humidity': 47}, {'condition': 'rainy', 'datetime': '2024-05-11T16:00:00+00:00', 'wind_bearing': 318.9, 'temperature': 59, 'templow': 49, 'wind_speed': 11.43, 'precipitation': 0.25, 'humidity': 58}, {'condition': 'partlycloudy', 'datetime': '2024-05-12T16:00:00+00:00', 'wind_bearing': 272.7, 'temperature': 65, 'templow': 43, 'wind_speed': 6.28, 'precipitation': 0.0, 'humidity': 43}, {'condition': 'partlycloudy', 'datetime': '2024-05-13T16:00:00+00:00', 'wind_bearing': 236.2, 'temperature': 68, 'templow': 56, 'wind_speed': 12.74, 'precipitation': 0.07, 'humidity': 60}]}}

What I’d like to do is to display the specific forecast details as selected by the user, so I want to substitute “weather.home” and “forecast[2]” and “condition” with the settings selected by the user.

Things that don’t work

  - service: notify.persistent_notification
      title: "Weather Forecast"
      message: "{{ weather_forecast }}"

Error: template value should be a string for dictionary value @ data['message']

I can’t just dump the object itself, I have to add some text to make this a string.

  - service: notify.persistent_notification
      title: "Weather Forecast"
      message: "Forecast: {{ weather_forecast.weather_provider }}"

Error: Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'weather_provider' when rendering 'Forecast: {{ weather_forecast.weather_provider }}'

The notification displays as just “Forecast:” Not sure how I can use a variable name here for the weather_provider

The eventual goal is to grab the specified forecast as text, do some manipulation on that text, and then save that variable for use later (mostly, being sent out via MQTT). Here’s an example of what that might look like:

  - variables:
      text: {{ weather_forecast.weather_provider.forecast[forecast_index][forecast_attribute]|replace("windy-variant","windy")|replace("clear-night","clear night")|replace("partlycloudy","partly cloudy")|replace("lightning-rainy","lightning & rain")|replace("snowy-rainy","snow & rain") | title }}

Is there any way to do this at runtime with a user-selected weather provider?

In case it helps, here’s the blueprint for testing: HA weather forecast blueprint test · GitHub

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Thanks to @karwosts on Discord, it looks like the following might work as expected:

  - service: weather.get_forecasts
      entity_id: !input weather_provider
      type: "{{forecast_interval}}"
    response_variable: weather_forecast
  - service: notify.persistent_notification
      title: "Weather Forecast"
      message: "{{ weather_forecast[weather_provider]['forecast'][forecast_index][forecast_attribute] }}"

I have some work to do to get this into the actual use case but this seems promising.