I am trying to connect a Bluetooth device to my Home Assistant and (hassos_rpi4 32bit) I get the following errors:
HCIdump thread: OS error (hci0): [Errno 19] error while attempting to bind on interface 0: No such device
11:54:49 AM – Passive BLE monitor integration (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:26:43 AM and shows up 15 times
Error during Bluetooth LE scan: No BLE adapter found
11:54:46 AM – bluetooth_le_tracker (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:26:49 AM and shows up 133 times
No BLE adapter found
11:54:46 AM – /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pygatt/backends/gatttool/gatttool.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:26:49 AM and shows up 133 times
I do not see a known_devices.yaml
My initial config contained ble_monitor in order to link a plant sensor (VegTrug) but as Bluetooth gave me problems, I just configured the simple Bluetooth device tracker.
- platform: bluetooth_le_tracker
track_new_devices: true
What I tried base on other (solved/closed) topics:
- Hardware reboot
- Delete DB
- Via the webinterface of Terminal/SSH tried several commands regarding installing Bluetooth or polling devices but the commands did not exists hciscan, (sudo apt-get)
I ran out of options.
(This is my first post, so if I need to do something different please let me know).