Bluetooth aoa dog tracker

alright so i wanted some idea to track my dogs in the yard. i am looking for something that would be 1 meter accurate . i want to make custom shape fence ( square instead of circular) kind of like the spoton collar. was looking into bluetooth aoa beacon a receivers but how to i get the data on a map to setup the limits . the idea is if the dog cross the fence a relay will activate their shock collar for a static warning ( i will be using existing collar and solder a relay to the remote) . was looking also but could nt find any RTK gps beacon and receiver that was home assistant compatible . any feedback or ideas is welcome!

  • i have tried with their tractive collar but those are not accurate at all (5 to 10 meter accuracy)

You likely would be setting up ESP presence detection in specific locations and seeing if you can create and area trigger point then just attach some BLE tags on the collars to track them that way.

Otherwise you are looking to setup a dedicated camera with frigates object recognition trained to recognize your dogs and alert you when they are in a set motion trigger zone near the fence in view.