Bluetooth connection slot limitations?

I’m setting up some Eve Motion Blinds using bluetooth/thread and the HomeKit device integration. Right now I have 8 of my blinds connected and working perfectly but when I try to add the 9th, I get the following error:

An unhandled error occurred while attempting to pair with this device. This may be a temporary failure or your device may not be supported currently: Eve MotionBlinds E225 (FE:41:98:BD:5C:2C) - FE:41:98:BD:5C:2C: Failed to connect: No backend with an available connection slot that can reach address FE:41:98:BD:5C:2C was found: The proxy/adapter is out of connection slots; Add additional proxies near this device

Is 8 devices the limit per BT adapter? If I add another adapter, will it get me more slots? That seems really low if that is the limit.

You could try some bluetooth proxies.

Can you explain how to do that?
Cause ihave same issues with MI Flora

They have official documentation on Bluetooth proxies. Bluetooth - Home Assistant

7 Devices is the limit for active connections, you can pair more but 7 is the magic number for active connections. So if you got 8 to connect thats unusual but may be the result of them not being “active” all the time :smiley:

Reminds me of DECT phones, limit was 6 but 7-8 would work at times. Till they hard coded it in their base stations.

If you are using a proxie you should prob lower the connection to 7 to be safe.

Thank You Caleb and Dujith!
keep on rocking!