Bluetooth Device Tracker no status update

Hey there,

I finally bought my son a fitbit fitness tracker to track his home and away presence. But it’s not working.

First I set up the Bluetooth and BLE integration in my configuration.yaml:


  • platform: bluetooth_tracker
    interval_seconds: 12
    consider_home: 30
    track_new_devices: false (first I had true here to detect the tracker)

  • platform: bluetooth_le_tracker
    interval_seconds: 12
    consider_home: 30
    track_new_devices: false (same, had true first)

Then I got the new known_devices.yaml and it found my fitness tracker there with name and mac adress:

name: Inspire 2
mac: BLE_F9:FA:AD:D4:8C:2E
track: true

In the person settings I integrated my son with his fitness tracker as the device tracker.

But it will never update its status. It always says that his tracker is at home even when he is definitley more the 20km away.

I’m sure that I missed something, but what? I’d really appreciate your help.

Thanks a lot!