Bluetooth gone away

Hey dudes :slight_smile:

New User. When I first set up home assistant in virtualbox, the bluetooth dongle was found automatically and was working fine, it even found my lone bluetooth temp\humidity sensor that I did not know could be used. But it took control away from the VB host so the bluetooth mouse and keyboard stopped working on the host. Since the keyboard/mouse was more important to me I deleted the bluetooth integration and got control back in the VB host.

But today I set the keyboard/mouse up on a second logitech unifying receiver which freed up the bluetooth dongle for use in HA. The dongle was found in VB and I again set it to be used by home assistant. But this time HA did not find it. So I tried to install the bluetooth integration again but it now says ā€œNo unconfigured Bluetooth adapters foundā€. So how do I get HA to again see the bluetooth dongle?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

same problem here

I can see the bluetooth device in storage core device registry as a deleted device but I do not yet have the knowledge to screw with script files.

It is of course an assumption that this is what is causing the problem.

Iā€™ve got the same exact issue. I even bought a new bluetooth adapter (one from the recommended adapters in the official bluetooth integration page) but I still get the ā€˜No unconfigured Bluetooth adapters foundā€™ thing

Following - I have the BLE Monitor but get the ā€œNo unconfigured Bluetooth adapters foundā€

Not VB installation but HA Core on Armbian. Iā€™ve faced with the similar error :ā€œNo unconfigured Bluetooth adapters foundā€ when Iā€™ve tried to run bluetooth integration ( HA ver. 2022.11.2 ). Iā€™ve noticed I was able to run properly bluetoothctl command in linux terminal only as root user. Googling brings me to the solution to add ā€œhassā€ user (under which homeassistant is running on my armbian ) into /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf

<policy user="hass">
<allow own="org.bluez"/>
<allow send_destination="org.bluez"/>
<allow send_interface="org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1"/>
<allow send_interface="org.bluez.GattDescriptor1"/>
<allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"/>
<allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"/>

and restart bleutooth service:
sudo systemctl restart bluetooth
after that HA bluetooth integration has successfully discovered my dongle and other bthome compatible sensors have been appeared automatically under BTHome integration.
links to the sources:

Thanks for responding. Sorry Iā€™m so new to this.

Iā€™m not sure what a VB installation or Armbian are. I donā€™t use Linux. Iā€™m running HA core on a Raspberry Pi4.

Is this something I can add to my configuration.yaml file or something?

Armbinan is the special linux distributive for various SBCs (particulary mine is orange PiOne ) similar to Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) which yours HA core is running onā€¦ USB Adapter (or the embedeed one) has to be set up on the OS level before it will be discovered by HA. So, please:

  1. check if bluetooth stack (bluez) is installed and working:
    sudo systemctl status bluetooth - this command should tell you if itā€™s up and running; if yes, check the status of your ble hardware:
  2. bluetoothctl show
    Iā€™ve attached the screenshots taken from my system:


and, FYI Iā€™m using Bluetooth integration in passive mode ( which is recommened as BLE Monitor replacement ) and the usb dongle (based on CSR8510A10 chip) . It works with 3 BTHome sensors
flashed with custom firmware GitHub - pvvx/ATC_MiThermometer: Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher via USB to Serial converter )

many thanks

Is this the command to run? ā€œsudo systemctl status bluetoothā€
If so, where do I run that (sorry Iā€™m not familiar but eager to learn).