Bluetooth Keeps Disconnecting


My Bluetooh is pretty spotty and keeps disconnecting. It continues to give me an 0pcode 0x2041 failed: -16 constantly and it seems to impact my Bluetooth Proxies and the ability to reliably control Bluetooth devices. My Bluetooth adapter is one that is an Avantree BTDG-40S (CSR8510A10), which is recommended by Home Assistant. I’ve also added a USB 2.0 cable to keep it away from my other peripherals, but it keeps disconnecting. Any thoughts/ideas would be welcomed.

That looks like it might be related to the issues that started with OS 10.x

See here or here.

It may be fixed for the RasPi… but it is still occurring with Intel/x86 machines. (I’ve rolled back to 9.5 to keep my BT stable for now.)

Wow if its been like this for more than 6 months, its a disaster.
I have an avantree DG45 and i have this problem all over.
Just the fact of stop using the computer for 15 mins turns off all bluetooth activity and i need to unplug and plug the DG45 again.

This needs to be checked.