Bluetooth LE Tracker doesn't find devices

Hi all,
I’m trying to integrate traking of my BLE devices, but I have some problems.

I have two kinds of devices:

In configuration.yaml I created this configuration:

  - platform: bluetooth_tracker
    interval_seconds: 60
    consider_home: 180
      track_new_devices: true
  - platform: bluetooth_le_tracker
    interval_seconds: 60
    consider_home: 180
      track_new_devices: true

The file know_device.yaml has been created but the problem is that in this file are present only BT devices (phone, TV and so on) and not BLE devices.

If I search with my PC the BT devices, I see the Tile and Nut devices, so they are active.

I followed the official guide and searched in the community for solution but I have not found anything.

I use:

  • Raspberry PI 3b
  • Home Assistant 0.118.5
  • HassOS 4.17

Could you please help me?