Bluetooth not working on Pi Zero 2 W

It is the first time I run hassOS. Before I was running Core on a dedicated Docker host.

I have trouble getting Bluetooth to work on a Pi Zero 2 W. For me it seems everything loaded properly:

# systemctl status bluetooth-bcm43xx.service
● bluetooth-bcm43xx.service - Bluetooth for BCM43xx
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth-bcm43xx.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-02-21 19:46:58 UTC; 3min 42s ago
    Process: 335 ExecStart=/usr/bin/btuart (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 379 (hciattach)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 866)
     Memory: 240.0K
     CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth-bcm43xx.service
             └─379 /usr/bin/hciattach /dev/serial1 bcm43xx 3000000 flow - b8:27:eb:a3:ec:f5

Feb 21 19:46:57 homeassistant systemd[1]: Starting Bluetooth for BCM43xx...
Feb 21 19:46:57 homeassistant btuart[369]: Patch not found, continue anyway
Feb 21 19:46:58 homeassistant btuart[369]: bcm43xx_init
Feb 21 19:46:58 homeassistant btuart[369]: Set BDADDR UART: b8:27:eb:a3:ec:f5
Feb 21 19:46:58 homeassistant btuart[369]: Set Controller UART speed to 3000000 bit/s
Feb 21 19:46:58 homeassistant btuart[369]: Device setup complete
Feb 21 19:46:58 homeassistant systemd[1]: Started Bluetooth for BCM43xx.

But obviously it doesn’t work

# bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# scan on
No default controller available

I tried restarting the bluetooth-bcm43xx.service but it won’t start up again. I verified my Pi Zero 2 W is able to scan for devices running latest raspiOS (lite). There I needed to restart some hciuart.service

Do you have any ideas?

Any ideas appreciated.

# ha info
arch: armv7
channel: stable
docker: 20.10.9
- reboot
- shutdown
- services
- network
- hostname
- timedate
- os_agent
- haos
hassos: "7.4"
homeassistant: 2022.2.9
hostname: homeassistant
logging: info
machine: raspberrypi3
operating_system: Home Assistant OS 7.4
state: running
supervisor: 2022.01.1
supported: true
- armv7
- armhf
timezone: Europe/Berlin

Have you tried bluetoothctl power off and the bluetoothctl power on ?

You have HAOS on a pi zero?

I think that is not a recommended idea.

the problem is still the same: no controller

# bluetoothctl power off
No default controller available

pi zero 2 w. it should be the same performance as a pi3 (as I read in the forum). I know it is not high end hardware, but it fits my use case. I have a low power device, i.e. pi zero 2 W with lan/usb HAT. so no wireless. From what I read it should work.

So my question persists: what am I missing about bluetooth as with raspiOS it is working

what I also found, after reading of plenty of bluetooth threads:

# hciconfig -a
hci0:	Type: Primary  Bus: UART
	BD Address: B8:27:EB:A3:EC:F5  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
	RX bytes:1250 acl:0 sco:0 events:66 errors:0
	TX bytes:810 acl:0 sco:0 commands:66 errors:0
	Features: 0xbf 0xfe 0xcf 0xfe 0xdb 0xff 0x7b 0x87
	Packet type: DM1 DM3 DM5 DH1 DH3 DH5 HV1 HV2 HV3
	Link policy: RSWITCH SNIFF

# hciconfig hci0 up
Can't init device hci0: Invalid request code (56)

Don’t know if this helps to troubleshoot the problem

The only clue I have found is that the Pi02W may require an updated firmware… I got that suggestion from here (of course PCP uses completely different packages, so don’t try looking for their .tcz packages)

Pi02W may require an updated firmware

thanks for pointing this out. so the chipset for the integrated wifi/bluetooth module is different to the pi3 and this might need new firmware? as nobody complained about wifi yet so this might luckily work/is compatible.
Would we require a special Pi02W image or just another firmware put into the the Pi3 image. As I see on the specs the Pi3 has also different BCMs for Wifi/Bluetooth so I expect they just reside next to each other in the image?
I this the right place here or should I open an issue on GitHub?
