Bluetooth Poxy ESP32 Synology Docker - No Devices Discovered


I have successfully flashed a ESP32 with Bluetooth Poxy and connected it to my WiFi. HA can see the ESP32 however no Bluetooth devices are discovered and shown in HA.
When I download ESP32 diagnostic log through HA, I can see that many Bluetooth devices are discovered (some without names) for example like below.

I am not sure what more step I am missing, my understanding is that I do not need DBus or BlueZ as I am using a proxy and not an Adapter, is this a correct assumption.

I would appreciate any help.

-------------- Discovered device ------------------

            "name": "Meghan speaker",
            "address": "6B:43:57:47:6B:4A",
            "rssi": -86,
            "advertisement_data": [
              "Meghan speaker",
                "0000fea0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb": {
                  "__type": "<class 'bytes'>",
                  "repr": "b'\\x03\\xfa\\x8f\\xca\\x97\\xfb\\ro   \\xbe\\xff'"
            "details": {
              "source": "24:DC:C3:43:C6:BC",
              "address_type": 1
            "name": null,
            "address": "46:28:B4:F6:31:8C",
            "rssi": -89,
            "advertisement_data": [
                "76": {
                  "__type": "<class 'bytes'>",
                  "repr": "b'\\x10\\x069\\x1a\\x8dk\\x0cK'"

Do the discovered devices have a HA integration?

Not sure what you mean, I added the iBeacon tracker integration, but still nothing. I am under impression that it will discover any Bluetooth devices that are sending advertisement packets. I have a few beacons which I can see on my phone. Perhaps if you give me more information I should be able to provide better answer. I am new to this BLE. Thank you for your help.

Also I enabled logging for ESP32 and I can see the HA is actually log these activities but I am not sure how to see these? Are there other integrations for BL/BLE to add ?

When I try to add Bluetooth Integration, HA says:
No unconfigured Bluetooth adapters found. There are 0 ignored adapters

Here is the partial log:


2024-10-10 23:16:00.209 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioesphomeapi.connection] esp32-bluetooth-proxy-43c6bc @ Got message of type BluetoothLERawAdvertisementsResponse: advertisements {
  address: 211258927516067
  rssi: -84
  data: "\033\377u\000B\004\001\200n\300#\215T\211\243\302#\215T\211\242\001Fa\302w\000\000"

2024-10-10 23:16:00.209 DEBUG (MainThread) [aioesphomeapi.connection] esp32-bluetooth-proxy-43c6bc @ Got message of type BluetoothLERawAdvertisementsResponse: advertisements {
  address: 124898945547804
  rssi: -96
  address_type: 1
  data: "\002\001\032\002\n\014\n\377L\000\020\005\n\030\000\253z"

BT Proxies won’t show up there.

As @francisp mentioned, it will only work with things that have an integration. Do you have a specific device that works with a HA integration that you’re expecting to show up?

As mentioned I have some Bluetooth trackers (generic) I am hopping to be able to see. I just found a [ESPHome BLE Gateway] integration which I am playing with, but it seems that I need need a BLE gateway (from the same author) as it doesn’t work with BT proxies. Personally I think it is mess to install so many layers just to see a BLE device in HA, it should have been much simpler and more efficient.

If your trackers don’t act as iBeacons (which has a HA integration), maybe you could use the Bermuda custom integration?

I THINK it lets you track pretty much anything the proxies pick up.

I booted the ESP32 proxy and now Bermuda is discovering devices, mostly Random MAC and some with Bermuda Prefix and some without !

Thank you for your tip Ben.