Bluetooth Probleme

Hello. I use an Intel NUC with Bluetooth onboard. However, I have problems with the Delonghi integration. It seems as if the data is split over Bluetooth and therefore not processed correctly by the integration. Can/must I set something somewhere so that the data arrives properly?

This integration is used via HACS: GitHub - Arbuzov/home_assistant_delonghi_primadonna: Home assistant integration for the Delonghi coffee machine

Hello. I use an Intel NUC with Bluetooth onboard. However, I have problems with the Delonghi integration. It seems as if the data is split over Bluetooth and therefore not processed correctly by the integration. Can/must I set something somewhere so that the data arrives properly?

This integration is used via HACS: GitHub - Arbuzov/home_assistant_delonghi_primadonna: Home assistant integration for the Delonghi coffee machine

Maybe bluetooth reception isn’t that good and it is dropping information because of it? My suggestion would be to spend €10 to €15 to create an ESP bluetooth proxy that you can place nearby:

The coffee machine is 2m away from the NUC

And how much interference is around it, such as USB3 and other devices? Does it have a separate antenna for bluetooth or is it sharing with wifi?

Seems there are problems with newer linux kernels on NUC, maybe related?

I dont know if it is a shared antenna. Other USB devices not present. All other Bluetooth Integrations work fine. Only the delonghi integration makes the problem.

I dont think its related. All other thigns work fine with bluetooth

I’ve tested with a raspberry and it’s the same behavior. The data is split. So I think I have to change somwthing on HA. But what to change?

Then it could either be the delonghi itself close to interference or shielding (I don’t think a phone is a good reference because I think it usually has a way better antenna, and the rpi’s is not very good), or the delonghi integration builder needs to implement an entirely different api. This does not look like what you’d expect from the delonghi, not even split.

Another thing: are you absolutely sure you are talking to the right device? Using a ble scanner can be tricky, maybe you looked for the closest thing and found your smartwatch on the hand holding the scanner instead?

I’m sure talking the right device. I can turn on the machine and cook coffee from HA. Maybe I have to sniff the data from my mobile phone to see wheter the data is split or not.

It could be a different api where each command has a different data length.