Bluetooth propane tank monitor: ESPhome, Otodata, Nee-vo, Ferrellgas, BLE

Correct, that is the exact code I am using. Does the curl command return data if you run it manually?

When you say run it manualy do you mean following the link and entering login details? If so that does work. I can see all the info from the nee-vo api

Can you run the curl command from the terminal and does it return data?

Getting no data returned

The curl command at the terminal should return the same data you see in the browser. maybe you have a syntax error?

Possibly but the command runs fine just returns nothing. If I add -v at the end it looks like its connected and what not.

Can you post your command and the output, with bogus credentials of course?

The verbose output is showing an authentication problem. If I run my curl command and change either my username or password to an invalid value, I get the same result as you where nothing comes back.

Is it possible you have special characters in your password that need to be escaped?

Looks like that worked with using the ’

Thank you for the help!!!

Hi All,

I am new to HA, and am trying to get some propane monitors working. I have several tanks, and have one Mopeka unit (working!!) and another Neevo unit, that I want to get into my HA dashboard.

To get Mopeka working, I had to add a Bluetooth proxy, using an M5 esp32 unit, so I have the ability to read a bluetooth sensor in HA.

I have the Neevo unit installed on my tank, and can see its level, as per some earlier posts in this thread, I’m using an iPhone app to see that. I can see the various messages the Neevo Unit advertises. (I have a Nee-Vo branded version of the Otodata TM6030).

I am lost as to what I need to do next to connect to the Neevo unit and get it to present its data on my dashboard. Can anyone direct me toward what to do next, or where to find some learning materials to do this? I have no idea where to start with the YAML that I am reading about here…

Thx! J


I am trying to get this same idea to work, but am having trouble getting started. I have HA running on a NUC, ESPhome installed, and have an M5 Atom Lite running BT Proxy, so far so good, and I am getting data from a Mopeka sensor successfully. Yay!

Now I want to get the data from a Nee-vo(OtoData) sensor, and I can see it broadcasting the sentences:
Name: ‘TM6030 2034XXXX’
Name: ‘level: 68.2 % horiz’
Name: ‘unit sleeping’

This is seen over a mobile app.

How do I add the ESPhome code to get this data? I think I need to add a new device, but there really isn’t a new device if I am using the existing BTProxy to receive the data.
Is that what I should be doing? Do I need to add a new ESP device or can I use the existing one which is already getting me data from another BT sensor?

BTW, I won’t be able to scrape the data from the Nee-Vo website, as the installation is outside of cellular range, so nothing gets to the cloud from the Nee-vo(Otodata) device.

Here is the curl method, but using the native “rest” platform in Home assistant. It’s working for me! Thanks for the help everyone in this thread.

  - platform: rest
    authentication: basic
    username: !secret neevo_username
    password: !secret neevo_password
    scan_interval: 86400
      Content-Type: application/json
    name: propane_tank
    value_template: "{{ value_json[0].Level }}"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'