I’ve a doubt.
The new feature named Bluetooth Proxy, allow to connect many ESP Home devices, properly configured, each as bluetooth proxy.
But every device can comunicate with the same home assistant, central, “hub” but not between them.
In other words, the farther away ESP home is limited to its distance from the HA central hub and not from the nearest ESP Home device.
So, the Bluetooth Proxies technology is very different from mesh newtork.
I’m right ?
Thanks in advance.
Yes - Very. It’s just multiple endpoints. They dont talk to each other.
I’m working on using it to track my trash cans at the curb using this and the BLE integration. When the cans are near the house, they’re picked up by the proxy I have in my wiring closet near the garage. When they’re by the curb, they’re either picked up by that proxy with a much higher distance OR they get picked up by the BT USB adapter in my HA box. Fortunately the updated BLE integration knows this can happen and reports the SOURCE of the report in one of the attributes of the sensor:
Note the source: attribute below:
So I use a template to read all that - determine where the can is, and do stuff:
I still have to put in some smoothing filters and some better logic but… It works.
Hi Nathan.
Thanks for your reply.
I imagined this seeing the infographics on the HA site.
I’m triyng to develop a mesh network between various ESP home devices.
If you want we can stay in touch.
Have a nice day.