I am running home assistant inside a VM, thus I am unable to directly connect a Bluetooth dongle via USB. Therefore, I wanted to utilize the Bluetooth proxy functionality of ESPHome to be able to control Bluetooth devices. I have tried to use the ESPHome Bluetooth proxy installer (ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy) and tried creating a config manually and have used to different ESP32 boards and they all showed up in home assistance, yet when I try to install the Bluetooth integration, I still get “No unconfigured Bluetooth adapters found”.
As I read it, this should work, right? Am I missing something?
I use the ESPhome bluetooth proxies with a dongle / bluetooth integration and they pick up BLE devices just fine. What are you trying to accomplish here, what sensors or devices are you trying to connect?
What is your specific issue? Seems to mainly be a lot of “it’s not working” posts but no specifics. Is there a BT device with a HA integration that your BT Proxy isn’t picking up?
Re-reading other posts, it seems a lot of people think that having a BT Proxy will result in a BT device device/adapter showing up in HA. It won’t, only the devices it picks up will show up.
I’m having the exact same issue.
I used to have a compatible Broadcom USB dongle, but since an update in mid 2023 it stopped working with some pybluez error on the logs. Since there’s no solution for my type of HA instance (Virtual Machine on Proxmox) I’m trying an esp32 with bluetooth-proxy. ESPhome addopted it correctly but I can’t see any bluetooth devices added, and when adding the integration “Bluetooth” it says:
No unconfigured Bluetooth adapters found. There are 0 ignored adapters.