Bluetooth Thermal Printer - Serial Port Connection

Hi all,

I am trying to send some ASCII characters to an Bluetooth thermal printer which i just bought. I am running HASS OS on Rasberry Pi 4. I managed to pair the bluetooth printer with the rasberry and defined it as a trusted device. But how to set up a serial connection to the printer via HASS OS? I “just” need a simple serial port with 9600 Baund and want to transfer some ASCII characters over it.

Bluetooth tracker seems not the way to go as its not communication payload traffic to an device as I understand.
According to the documenattaion the Serial integration seems only spport read acces to a device.

Anybody already did something similar?


Hi, have you find a solution to create a bluetooth communication between Hassio and your thermal printer ?

thank you !

Hi there,
Unfortunately not. As the Bluetooth integration in HA was just overhauled and impoved I am keeping my fingers crossed that they cover Bluetooth audio and serial connection in the coming months…

Did anything change in the mean time, I’m very curious to see if someone tried this out.

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