Bluetooth tracker for in a bag?

Hi all,

I’ve a stupid question where I can’t find a good answer for. My goal is to have a device tracker for in a bag, that will update when i’m near with my mobile (something like airtags?). Me and my girlfriend are using Samsung phones, so is there something similar for that? So, when I put the bag somewhere at my parents house, and we leave, that tracker will stay in the ‘parents’ zone?

My goal is to have the location or zone available where it was ‘last seen’. I’ve bought some bluetooth trackers already, but can’t find something that is working actually. Is there something for this scenario?

Thanks in advance.

If you’re Samsung users look Up Samsung Smart tag 2.see if that fits the bill.

I believe the smart tag 2 isn’t very great integrated in home assistant? Or is there a way to get the location of it in HA?

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You said Samsung phones, not works well with HA. :wink:

And this was reinforced with the fact you want to know when your phone is near the tag.

Devices in this class are items like the apple tag, Samsung tag 2, and Tile. Honestly I don’t think any of them work ‘well’ with HA because you need the vendor app to do the tracking not something like Bluetooth LE iBeacons thats a different class of device (iBeacon or BLE tracker). Those are good for detecting if your BLE beacon is close to a fixed receiver (like in proximity of home) but won’t work out on say a campus to let you know where you left your bag.

Vendor solutions like the Apple and Samsung tags solve problem 1 but aren’t very sharing with thier data, generic iBeacon solves problem 2 and has native support in HA but doesn’t solve your issue.

Yeah, maybe I was not clear on it, excuse me :wink:

Yeah, the tag itself can’t know his place because it isn’t a GPS tracker with some sim in it. So the tag needs to communicate with my mobile (that will be near it). When I drop the bag of, the location of that tag will be the same as my mobile, and when I left it, the tag will stay on the same location, because there is no active connection anymore.

So something that will share that location + put it in HA will be my goal. So I can still see, the bag is still at location A (or zone A). We’re using android phones, so that’s why I was curious how to achieve this. And if it is even possible or not. Looks like it must something be like Bluetooth, but not sure if that will device track through my (or gf) phone.

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