Bluetooth tracker platform load error

Hi getting the following error on a new install of Hassio, not sure where to look

ue Feb 26 2019 22:21:45 GMT+0000 (GMT)

Error setting up platform bluetooth_tracker
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/", line 184, in async_setup_platform
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/", line 81, in setup_scanner
    for dev in discover_devices():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/", line 59, in discover_devices
    lookup_class=False, device_id=device_id)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bluetooth/", line 26, in discover_devices
    device_id = _bt.hci_get_route()
OSError: [Errno 19] No such device

Are you running HassIO on a Pi, or on some other HW?

Hi yes a pi3 b+

BT tracking has been very reliable for me. It is just a single entry in configuration.yaml to set up.
I am running on a 3B. Did you pick the 32bit HassOS install? Unless something has changed, the 64 bit version is not recommended.

  - platform: bluetooth_tracker

I did wonder that. Will reload at 32 bit

Sorry to side track a bit, but could a 64bit related issue impact a normal Home Assistant manual install on a Unix OS?

I had (still have but not production now) a hassbian install on a RPi3b and the Bluetooth_tracker was and still is very reliable and just works.
I have now moved to a NUC where I manually installed 64bit Ubuntu server, then manually installed Home Assistant (not Everything works great and the migration went very very well, but the Bluetooth_tracker is very unreliable and either runs for a few hours tracking the first couple of BT devices in knowndevices and then stops or just runs all the time, but still only tracking the first couple of devices in knowndevices.
I have the RPi still running in parallel whilst BT is not reliable on the NUC, and it detect and tracks all devices reliably still, and new devices are auto detected and added. The NUC never finds new devices.

Is it possible this be related to a 64bit issue too?

Yep, reverting to 32bit solved the problem. Although I can’t get the LE tracker to load. I guess I will need to try and Set up the rootless access next. Looks hard work!

I never had good luck with the LE tracker on a Pi. I have a couple of happybubbles detectors ( and use the happybubbles server to have run a service on a diff pi. They key things I track are iphones, so the std BT tracker works great for that.

I doubt this is a 64 bit issue. It could be releated to the kernel drives for the BT chipset on the NUC. I believe I have seen some threads related to HassIO on NUCs where the BT was not working(well/correctly/worth a darn…)

I wanted to do that but understand they are no longer available? For info the le tracker installed fine once I set it to look for new devices. Next to get a couple of tags and see I can recognise them in a specific room only :grinning:

ok thanks @dap35, I was leaning towards some driver / firmware issue
as far as I am aware, my NUC is on the latest drivers and BIOS, but I am not very experienced in Linux so not entirely sure, or even where to specially download the latest BT drivers tbh