Bluetooth tracker vs Bluetooth_LE tracker?

Running current Raspian (jesse) on an RPi3.

I have been successfully using the Bluetooth_tracker. I added the bluetooth_le tracker and started seeing new registrations for devices, but now my original devices no longer report correctly and I get new similar entries for my existing devices added to the known_devices file.

So, are there advantages to switching over to the LE tracker, or should I just stick with the std bluetooth tracker?

Curious about this too!

Did you ever solve this? i think you should make a device group

There are problems with running the BLE tracker on the Pi, so I ditched it, and just use the Bluetooth tracker with my iPhones. It works great and is completely reliable.

Does anyone have the answer to this question ?

bluetooth_le_tracker vs bluetooth_tracker

Anyone with the knowledge ?

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would be very much interested as well

I also want to know

Bluetooth-le is a low energy use version of BT. It’s transfer rate is about 1/2 of classic BT. Something like a tracker that does not send a lot of data is a good fit whereas music streaming, classic would be a better choice.

The main thing for me is does the integration require you to disable mac randomization. Mac randomization is a security feature that makes tracking your phone difficult for outside sources eg big box stores tracking you through the store.

I personally use monitor as it resolves randomized macs. Some people find BT uses too much battery, me and the rest of my family always have BT on regardless so it’s not an issue.