I am experimenting with using Bluetooth presence detection. I find it not to be very responsive.
It usually takes about 5-10 seconds once I enter the room for the state to change to ‘home’, even though I have it set to poll every second. It also takes about 3 minutes once I turn my phone off before it registers as ‘not_home’, even though I set “consider_home” to 5 seconds.
Is this typical performance, or can this be tuned to be more responsive?
It’s instant for me when coming home, not_home sounds about right because it takes a while for the computer to realise that the Bluetooth isn’t connected anymore, I think that’s because they’re not ‘paired’.
I solely use Bluetooth for presence here and it’s been faultless for months.
I’ve got a USB Bluetooth adapter on my linux PC server which runs Home Assistant. The server is pretty capable and isn’t heavily loaded. And I have a Galaxy S7 android phone.
This is the adaper I’m using:
I find it’s variable. Sometimes it’s instant, and sometimes it takes upwards of 15 seconds to register.
I did pair the phone to the adapter. Could that cause a problem?
My adapter is different but I suspect they’re all much the same, so the only real difference seems to be that you’ve paired it. Maybe pairing it waits for some kind of handshake whereas mine just says ‘there it is’?
I have this same issue with the same setup.
My iPhone works flawlessly but my wife’s is seen only by HA when the phone is in the Bluetooth settings page
Unfortunately, with more experience, this has not fixed the problem. Response time is still highly variable, from “not through the threshold yet” to “20 seconds after being seated two feet from the USB adapter.”
I’ve experienced similar issues on my Raspberry Pi 3. I’ve enabled device tracking via Bluetooth and at first, it seemed to work like a charm. After a while my Raspberry Pi and home assistant frontend started to lag, I had a lot of connectivity issues with Xiaomi vacuum and air purifier and google home devices.
After turning off device tracking everything went back to normal. I wanted to remain this functionality really bad so I experimented a little bit and found the solution.
It occurred that too many devices connected to Bluetooth slow down the device. I turned off tracking new devices and increased interval_seconds to 15.