BMW Connected Drive in UK - how to change units to miles?

I’ve just installed the core BMW Connected Drive integration. It works beautifully, however as I’m in the UK I would like the distances in miles not km.

I can’t find anywhere to change this; there’s nothing in the integration configuration and I can’t see any list of entries for configuration.yaml for this integration. I’ve searched the forum but can only find older posts where I think things were done differently.

Can someone help please?

Did you find a solution for this?

I couldn’t find any option for this in the integration, so I did it with custom sensors.

In configuration.yaml, add this (unless you have a sensors.yaml already):

sensor: !include sensors.yaml

In sensors.yaml:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "i3 mileometer"
      value_template: "{% set miles = (float(states('sensor.i3_120_mileage')) * 0.621371) | round %} {{ miles }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "miles"
      icon_template: "mdi:speedometer"
      friendly_name: "i3 current range"
      value_template: "{% set miles = (float(states('sensor.i3_120_remaining_range_electric')) * 0.621371) | round %} {{ miles }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "miles"
      icon_template: "mdi:map-marker-distance"

Obviously, if you don’t have an i3 replace the sensor.i3* bits with your vehicle’s sensor names.

Then restart HA.


1 Like

thanks works a treat

Hi Miranda, Thank you for posting this but for me it does’nt seem to work. Would you know why?

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "335d_xDrive_mileometer"
      value_template: "{% set miles = (float(states('sensor.335d_xdrive_mileage')) * 0.621371) | round %} {{ miles }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "miles"
      icon_template: "mdi:speedometer"
      friendly_name: "335d_xDrive_current range"
      value_template: "{% set miles = (float(states('sensor.335d_xdrive__remaining_range_total')) * 0.621371) | round %} {{ miles }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "miles"
      icon_template: "mdi:map-marker-distance"

Kindest Regards

Hi Mark, looks OK to me, although I’m not on the very latest version of HA.

Are you sure you have the names of your variables correct (‘sensor.335d_xdrive_mileage’ etc)? If you replace the sensor names with a random number does it calculate?

Hi Miranda, thanks for the reply. I see another entity for the mileage which shows the correct mileage value and the same for the remaining range but they are greyed out. Should I be seeing the original entity but just showing miles instead of KM? Sorry fairly new to HA and still working out how the structure works. I am getting this error though:


This entity (‘sensor.335d_xdrive_mileage_2’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.
