great to see some work done here!! can’t wait to see some of my bmw’s data in home assistant!
i will try to help with testing as far as i can. i’ll start with posting the outcome of the script:
bmw 520d
01/2016 built
all connected services available are booked
good to see remaining fuel and mileage. but nothing else of importance it seems.
what i’d like to control is the “park heating”, starting time ideally based on “google time to work” and “outside temperature” dream
root@fileserver:~# ./ -p
--------------START CAR DATA--------------
DCS_CCH_Activation: None
DCS_CCH_Ongoing : None
condition_based_services: 00032,OK,12.2018,348,;00001,PENDING,12.2018,1800,348,28,24;00100,OK,12.2022,50000,1788,56,48;00003,OK,12.2018,348,24
gps_lat: 48.xxxxx
gps_lng: xxxxxx
head_unit: NBT
head_unit_pu_software: 07/14
lastUpdateReason: Error
mileage: 58641
remaining_fuel: 65
unitOfCombustionConsumption: l/100km
unitOfElectricConsumption: kWh/100km
unitOfEnergy: kWh
unitOfLength: km
vehicle_tracking: 1
--------------END CAR DATA--------------
--------------START CAR NAV--------------
auxPowerEcoPro: 1.0
auxPowerEcoProPlus: 1.0
auxPowerRegular: 1.0
driveTrain: konv_diesel
eco: 9c9,3df,30f,1f2,1c5,209,23d,222,254,286,31b
ecoEv: ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd
isoCountryCode: AUT
kAccEco: 13300000
kAccReg: 12250000
kDecEco: 31500000
kDecReg: 35000000
kDown: 17500000
kUp: 13300000
latitude: 48.xxxxx
longitude: 16.xxxx
norm: 9c9,3df,30f,1f2,1c5,209,23d,22e,261,294,32c
normEv: ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd,ffd
pendingUpdate: False
soc: 0.0
socMax: 17.84
vehicleMass: 1980
vehicleTracking: True
--------------END CAR NAV--------------
--------------START CAR EFFICIENCY--------------
characteristicList: [{‘quantity’: 0, ‘characteristic’: ‘CONSUMPTION’}, {‘quantity’: 0, ‘characteristic’: ‘DRIVING_MODE’}, {‘quantity’: 0, ‘characteristic’: ‘CHARGING_BEHAVIOUR’}, {‘quantity’: 0, ‘characteristic’: ‘ELECTRIC_DRIVING’}]
efficiencyQuotient: 0
lastTripList: []
lifeTimeList: []
modelType: PHEV
--------------END CAR EFFICIENCY--------------
--------------START CAR SERVICEPARTNER--------------
businessFax: +43 (1) 740083009
businessPartnerId: 00005675
--------------END CAR SERVICEPARTNER--------------