BMW ConnectedDrive component

Confirmed. Rebooted earlier and I’m getting authentication errors. Able to log into connected drive on the website OK.

Logger: bimmer_connected.account
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bimmer_connected/
First occurred: 12:41:37 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:41:37

Authentication failed. Maybe your password is invalid?

Same here. I actually did something to my secrets.yaml right before the reboot, but reverting to the “old” secrets.yaml did not help either. Error stays the same after each reboot

Same here!

Same here! Does anyone know what can happen?

I made an issue:

Yes! Same error for me. App works but HA does not.

same here
there is already a issue open for that

Same here. And the same issue with Audi

Same for me:

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response'))

I tried the workaround from the above mentioned issue:

And at least the component is working again.

I tried the workaround as well and it seems to work for me

any solution for those of us who have HA and not core Docker? :pensive: :pensive:

PR with the fix is made by @rikroe ->
Hopefully it will be merged as hotfix in 0.117. It’s merged as hotfix in the beta and will be part of 0.117.

If you want to fix it in the meanwhile you can check here for instructions ->


It’s not in the release notes… is it merged?

Yep. Working after upgrade :slight_smile:

Confirmed to be fully functional again after update to 0.117.0 !

yes, 117 solves it! thanks all!

after a restart of HA today it seems again a problem with the login
anyone else facing the same issue?

Same here.

BMW has a “new” app, called “my BMW” might have to do with?

As usual the app sucks… less functionality than before (cannot horn and flash light).