Hi Everyone,
I am trying to use the following formula to calculate body fat using, impedance, weight, age, height and gender:
Calculation of Body Fat %
Lukaski & Bolonchuk's (1988)[1] formula for total body water (TBW) is:
TBW = 0.372(S²÷R) + 3.05(Sex) + 0.142(W) - 0.069(age)
S = Height in centimetres
R = Resistance
W = Weight in Kg
Sex Male =1 Female = 0
Age in years
I am using the following template but am not sure its very accurate. Any ideas?
{%- set impedence = states('sensor.impedance_adam') | float %}
{%- set weight = states('sensor.weight_adam') | float %}
{%- set age = 33 %}
{%- set height = 170 %}
{%- set gender = 1 %}
{%- set water_weight = 0.372 * ((height*height) / impedence) + (3.05 * gender) + (0.142 * weight) - (0.069 *age) %}
{%- set fat_free_weight = water_weight / 0.73 %}
{%- set fat_weight = weight - fat_free_weight %}
{%- set fat_percent = fat_weight / weight * 100 %}
{{ fat_percent | round(1)}}