We are aware that some shipping estimates have been wrong. We’re in contact with Crowd Supply to ensure that shipping estimates become something you can better rely on!
Please may we have an update?
The estimated to ship date for my PoE Yellow has changed four times. I am only aware of those changes through checking the order status on Crowd Supply’s site, they have not emailed or, to the best of my knowledge, posted updates on their site or Discord.
I ordered on 2/25, when it said estimated ship date 3/3. That date changed to 3/17, and now new orders say 6/30. I have not received any communication other than my initial order confirmation. My card has been charged tho.
It looks like if I ordered it today from Crowd Supply I would get it shipped right away but now my ship date has changed from.
Feb 2023 > June 2023 > August 2023 to now Octtoer 27 2023.
I’ve also never received communication from Crowd Supply about the changing dates I just know when i pull up my order.
I was looking forward to getting my HA yellow set up but at this point i’ve pretty much moved on and will just get a new Rasberry Pi 4 when / if mine goes bad.