BOM sensor not updating

Hi, the BOM sensor doesn’t appear to be updating. It updates on reboot but then fails to update again. I am running in docker on a NAS, it seems to work on my RP3. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

Below is my config

#BOM weather airport
- platform: bom
  station: IDQ60901.94578
  name: Brisbane Ap
    - air_temp

#BOM weather inner beacon wind
- platform: bom
  station: IDQ60901.94590
  name: Inner beacon
    - wind_spd_kt
    - gust_kt
    - wind_dir
#    - air_temp

#BOM weather redcliffe wind
- platform: bom
  station: IDQ60901.95591
  name: Redcliffe
    - wind_spd_kt
    - gust_kt
    - wind_dir
    - air_temp

Hi matust

Here is my code but it’s for Brisbane city, not the airport which is working I’am running hassio ver 60.1. I still need to remove a couple of monitored_conditions: that don’t display anything.

# BOM  
  - platform: bom
    station: IDQ60801.94576
    name: Brisbane
      - apparent_t
      - air_temp
      - press
      - rain_trace
      - rel_hum
      - weather
      - wind_dir
      - wind_spd_kmh

Hi @skippy_oz looks like our setups are similar. What sort of device do you have HA installed on? I fired up my RP3 and the BOM sensors seem to be updating on that but not updating on my NAS :frowning:

Hi matust

Running on a Raspberry Pi 3.


Hi, any updates on this issue?

I’ve noticed that my BOM Sensor has stopped updating every 1/2 hour to a few times per day to (now) once a day, over the past few months.

I’m running Hassbian 0.64.0 on RPI3 (python 3.5.3), but with an SSD instead of the micro SD, and using MySQL as the database.

There’s absolutely nothing in the logs to suggest any problem.


I don’t get it working. Seems to update when I restart home assistant but thats it

Agree. I just restarted my HA, and it polls the BoM service correctly… But now it won’t updated again until about 05:10 am tomorrow


Out of interest have you set the timezone on your RP3? I have a hunch that might be the issue.

Bingo! Thanks @matust that seems to have fixed the issue.


Glad it worked! I haven’t been able to set a timezone for the docker container on my nas so wasn’t able to test it out