Bond Integration - Can’t set percentage position of Somfy Blind?

Hey guys,

I have a few Somfy blinds connected via the Bond Bridge RF. I’m able to control using the controls in Lovelace, up, down and stop. I can also open and close using automations.

However, I cant seem to set the blinds using percentage in an automation. I can, however, set this in an automation in Homekit using the HK integration.

Have tried using cover.set_cover_position, but the blinds don’t respond at all.

Is there something I’m missing? Really hoping to keep the automation within HomeAssistant, but this one is doing my head in!


I just started a journey down this path - only researching at this stage. I was reading the differences between the Bond Bridge and Bond Bridge pro. Under the ‘pro’ it listed ‘Shade slider’ but not under the entry product. Not sure if this is what you need to send commands. Here’s the site for reference:

Hope this helps, keen to see how you get on with this one.

I have just got my Bond Bridge and am using it with Somfy Blinds and Wynmotion blinds and awning. To get the percentage position, I am using the HACS integration

You just need to time the up and down times.

The Bond integration gives one cover e.g. cover.blockout_1 and the HACS integration creates a new cover that has a position attribute. e.g. cover.blockout_1_blind

In my covers.yaml I defined

  - platform: cover_rf_time_based
        name: Blockout 1 Blind
        travelling_time_up: 23
        travelling_time_down: 23
        close_script_entity_id: script.blockout_1_down
        stop_script_entity_id: script.blockout_1_stop
        open_script_entity_id: script.blockout_1_up
        send_stop_at_ends: False #optional
        aliases: #optional
          - blockout_1_cover_time_based          

and created scripts for each action

  alias: Blockout 1 Up
  - service: cover.open_cover
    data: {}
      entity_id: cover.blockout_1
  mode: single
  alias: Blockout 1 Stop
  - service: cover.stop_cover
    data: {}
      entity_id: cover.blockout_1
  mode: single
  alias: Blockout 1 Down
  - service: cover.close_cover
    data: {}
      entity_id: cover.blockout_1
  mode: single

So I then use the HACS Custom Shutter card to control them.

Hope this helps.


Hi I’m hoping for help. I’m trying to get this to work for my soft blinds using Bond. I installed the HACS time based intergration manually as the author archived it due to moving to ESPHome. I’ve created the scripts in your guide which work fine as I tested them but running the script manually;

I also created a covers.yaml file as one didn’t exist in my config directory and added the below code;

However I can’t seem to get it to work. HA load ok but it doesn’t show a new entity that I can use in the shutter card. Can you see anything I’ve set up incorrectly or do I need to do something with the newly create covers.yaml file. Any help would be amazing.

