Boolean card for touch lamp

I have a touch lamp that, clearly, cannot be turned on by Home assistant and that is fine by me as I would turn it on when sat next to it. HA not required for that!

However, given that I sometimes leave the house and forget to turn these off (did it for a weeks holiday once), I have these plugged into Hive smart plugs. Currently, I can switch these off for 30 seconds to make sure they are off. I am building my floorplan currently and, for completeness, want all my potential smart appliances set up.

To show these as on, I have an input Boolean (input_boolean.left_lamp-boolean) that is set to on or off/ depending on the value from a Xiaomi light sensor. This is working fine from a display point of view. I would like any card button or floorplan to have actions on the smart plug that make sense. so this would mean that if the input_boolean value was off, clicking such a button would carry out no action at all. if it is on, clicking would call a service that turned off the plug for 30 seconds.

I realise that I could call this for both actions but I like to be logical.

Also, I want the click to not automatically change the boolean as that would mean clicking from off to on would result in the boolean toggled to on when there is no possibility of the lamp turning on. I think it would be stuck like that too as there would be no change in illuminance (off to start with and staying off does not trigger an illuminance change). So it makes sense to somehow ensure that clicking whilst off does absolutely nothing (including leaving the boolean as is).

I want this for an individual card and a button on my floorplan. Any ideas?