ordered a couple of ESP32-S modules for a custom PCB sitting inside a wall socket. Seems the supplier sent me a couple of different models for some reason, WROOM32, and ESP32-S, at least that’s what it says on the tin can.
While the WROOM32 module flashes and connects to the WIFI immediately as expected from the HA ESPHOME add-on but the 32-S module only flashes and I have to manually hit the EN button or manually reset Power to have this module connect to WIFI.
Is this expected out of these different versions of ESP32s or am I doing something wrong, my custom PCB remains the same for both modules, I have checked the pushbuttons and they pull down these pins as expected.
one more weird thing I noticed during the initial flash process through an external USB → TTL is that the WROOM32 module I had to keep booth the EN and BOOT pushbutton pressed to start the flashing process but ESP32-S just starts flashing from TTL without my intervention. Here is how the pushbuttons are configured.
the reason I am concerned with this behaviour is that these modules are mounted inside the wall and it’s a hassle to pull them out just to flash. Any help or insight on this topic is much appreciated.
Edit: Both modules have manual IPs and low power modes are disabled
I don’t know how many devices you tested, but I use several ESP32s and some of them reliably connect to wifi after programming and some just don’t. Some I have to try resetting 2-3 times before it successfully connects. I don’t know why.
So it may not be a design difference, but just luck that some work well and some are more flaky on reset. I think they auto-reset if they haven’t connected to wifi in something like 15 minutes, so if you just wait a while will it connect successfully eventually?
used a few wroom32 and never had this issue, now I tested the second esp32-s and the same behaviour. I tried the time-out but does not seem to be recovering when set at 2mins. ill dig around a bit more and update.
yes just to be clear, I am doing it with OTA, the problem is post flashing it does not connect to wifi and I have hit EN button or reset power to get it going.
silly me… the issue was with the tactile switch/PCB footprint… it was not a proper connection or dry solder. Installed the correct switch on both the boards and it now updates and connects to the wifi correctly.
Sorry for bothering you good folks in the community.