Boot takes a long time and modbus doesn’t work after upgrade.
I did the last core and home assistant upgrade and the boot takes a very long time. I also rebootet the sytem but it stays the same.
After refreshing a page I keep getting the message that it is finalizing the startup… But this is even minutes after the reboot.
Connection to (, 502) failed: timed out
11:01:12 – (FOUT) components/modbus/ - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 10:56:17 en verschijnt 194 keer
Command failed (with return code 127): /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp
11:01:10 – (FOUT) command_line - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 10:56:10 en verschijnt 6 keer
[140615265423648] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error) from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)
10:56:37 – (FOUT) Home Assistant WebSocket API
[0xB535:1:0x0006]: async_initialize: all attempts have failed: [DeliveryError('Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>'), DeliveryError('Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>'), DeliveryError('Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>'), DeliveryError('Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>')]
10:56:33 – (WAARSCHUWING) Zigbee Home Automation - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 10:56:33 en verschijnt 2 keer
Unhandled exception
10:56:29 – (FOUT) /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/
Pymodbus: victron: Modbus Error: [Connection] Failed to connect[ModbusTcpClient(]
10:56:17 – (FOUT) Modbus
Config entry 'PV Berging 1' for forecast_solar integration not ready yet: Rate limit for API calls reached. (error 429); Retrying in background
10:56:13 – (WAARSCHUWING) - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 10:56:13 en verschijnt 6 keer
Unexpected error fetching forecast_solar data: Rate limit for API calls reached. (error 429)
10:56:13 – (FOUT) Forecast.Solar - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 10:56:13 en verschijnt 6 keer
Connection to (, 502) failed: timed out
10:56:13 – (FOUT) components/modbus/
Loading generic IP camera via configuration.yaml is deprecated, it will be automatically imported. Once you have confirmed correct operation, please remove 'generic' (IP camera) section(s) from configuration.yaml
10:56:11 – (WAARSCHUWING) Generic Camera - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 10:56:11 en verschijnt 9 keer
sensor.energy1_kw3 could not restore last state unknown: [<class 'decimal.ConversionSyntax'>]
10:56:10 – (WAARSCHUWING) integration - bericht kwam voor het eerst om 10:56:10 en verschijnt 6 keer
Could not set up UPnP/SSDP server, as a presentation URL could not be determined; Please configure your internal URL in the Home Assistant general configuration
10:56:05 – (WAARSCHUWING) Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP)