Border on Grid Card Configuration with lovelace-card-mod

is there a way to create border on a Grid Card? i was able to do it on a gauge but ,

i try the lovelace-card-mod but did not work?

here is my Grid Card

type: grid

  • type: gauge
    entity: sensor.v75_15_789_mqtt_pv_power
    min: 0
    max: 200
    name: Solar 75-15
    needle: true
  • type: gauge
    entity: sensor.v75_15_772_mqtt_battery_current
    min: 0
    name: Solar 75-15
    needle: true
    max: 15
    green: 10
    yellow: 5
    red: 0
  • type: entity
    entity: sensor.v_75_15_state_charge
    name: State Charge
    icon: mdi:solar-panel
  • type: gauge
    min: 0
    max: 20
    entity: sensor.v75_15_776_mqtt_pv_voltage
    name: Voltage
    needle: true
  • type: gauge
    min: 0
    max: 100
    entity: sensor.v75_15_785_mqtt_pv_maximum_charge_power_today
    name: Max Today
    unit: W
  • type: gauge
    entity: sensor.v75_15_787_mqtt_pv_maximum_charge_power_yesterday
    min: 0
    max: 100
    name: Max Yesterday
    unit: W
    square: false
    columns: 2
    title: Solar 75-15