Bosch BMP388 sensor support?

Has anyone gotten the [Adafruit breakout of the] BMP388 sensor working in ESPHome?

Thought I’d check before doing a Custom Sensor. (the result of which, if I’m successful, I’ll post here later.

Hello, were you able to get this going via ESPHome?

I did, and forgot to post my code as promised.
But I’m pretty sure that it now has its own integrated module.
If not, comment here and I’ll post my code.

I see in my own config that I’ve transitioned to the built-in 388 component, using this in my YAML config:


  - platform: bmp3xx
      name: "${node_name} BMP388 Temperature"
        - lambda: return x * (9.0/5.0) + 32.0;
      unit_of_measurement: "°F"
      accuracy_decimals: 1
      name: "${node_name} BMP388 Pressure"
      accuracy_decimals: 2

I am, obviously, translating it to degrees Fahrenheit in the sensor. Chop that part if you live in a country that has sanely chosen to use degrees Celsius/Centigrade. :wink: