Bosch Condens 9800i W with K 30 RF (connect key)

I got a Bosch Condens 9800i and I want to connect it to my Home Assistant Instance. This is connected via an K 30 RF Connect Key so I can control it with the Bosch HomeCom app where I am logged in with my Bosch singlekey-id.
I found the “home-assistant-bosch-custom-component” which I installed. But none of the described ways to connect the K 30 RF connect key to the HomeAssistant is working for me.

In the desciptions is sometimes a password mentioned which should be changed. But I don’t think there is a possibility in the HomeCom App to set/change a password.
I hope anybode else has already figured out how this can work.
I would be glad for any help.


Looking have same issue with 7000i ;o)

During the authentication process homecom first get token from and then it will communicate with to get values what k30rf had sent.

Some instructions would be welcome. I cannot get it to work. The k30rf is also not on the supported devices list, but I would love to see some instructions on how to get it to work!

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Looking for the same for a Bosch Condens GC7800iW 2024 C 23.

I thought that maybe thia video could help me to get it working.

But up to now I had no luck.

Some update on this matter? Trying to get mit K30 RF / Bosch Condens in Home Assistant :frowning:

I hoped that this video could help to get the K30RF working:

But no success until now. I am also interested to find a solution.