Bosch indego Alert messages Reading attribute value without name, only values

I am using a custom intergration (Bosch indego ) and and trying to display alert messages. Here is a screenshot from the sensor. I want to display the messages “Stop button pushed”

I want to try this value to display in mushroom-template-card

- type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: '{{states.binary_sensor.indego_xxxxx_alert.attributes.device_class}} '
    secondary: >-
      {% set alert_headline =
      states.binary_sensor.indego_xxxxx_alert.attributes.device_class  %}

      {% if alert_headline == 'Kein Problem' %}

      {% else %}

      {{ states.binary_sensor.indego_xxxx_alert.attributes.??????}} 

      {% endif %}
    icon: |-
      {% set state = states(entity) %}
        {% if state ==  'on' %} 
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

Thank you for your help