Bosch SHC Twinguard / Smoke Sensors

Hi, this is my first post on the community!

I am configuring my Bosch SHC to my HomeAssistant. I currently have a setup of 4 Twinguard smoke sensors, 1 regular smoke sensor and a smart plug.

I noticed the Twinguard is supported, the regular smoke sensor is not. However, when I load the plugin I see all sensors of the Twinguard except the Smoke sensor.

Is there a specific reason why this isn’t supported? I couldn’t find anything that I can relate to. If this hasn’t simply been requested before, I would like to request this for the Twinguard and the regular sensor.

This is the link I have found the to smoke detector I have (There is a smoke detector II too though). See Smart Smoke Alarm for twice the protection | Bosch Smart Home

If there is anything I can help please let me know :slight_smile:

Support from my side for this request. I was not able to get an idea of how to integrate the smoke-sensor information

Giving it a little bump in the hope that it gets the post some attention

I noticed that there is a HACS repository too, it does not (yet) support the Twinguards but seems to be more recent (is maintained by the same developer as the HA integration).

see Bosch SHC: smokedetector_check not work · Issue #43 · tschamm/boschshc-hass · GitHub