Bosch Smart Home Shutter Contact II Plus - Vibration Sensor Support?

Hello Home Assistant community!

I’ve recently purchased the Bosch Smart Home Door/windown contact II Plus and have been integrating it with my Home Assistant setup. It’s been a delight seeing the open/close statuses seamlessly in HA!

However, I’ve hit a bit of a snag when it comes to its vibration detection capability. While this feature works perfectly in the official Bosch app, triggering alarms when vibrations are detected, I can’t seem to access or visualize this data in Home Assistant.

Having gone through the official documentation for Bosch SHC, it seems there’s no direct support for this. Additionally, a quick check on Zigbee2MQTT’s supported devices page shows that the device isn’t listed there either.

Has anyone else faced this? Is there a known workaround to extract the vibration data into HA? And if it’s currently unsupported, has anyone ventured into crafting a custom script or component to address this? I’m open to diving into some coding if that’s what it takes!

Thanks in advance for any insights or guidance.


Hi @JD4U, Have you ever solved this issue?
I have included this Bosch door/windows II plus sensor in Home assistant. It is working well.
But I notice that opening the door gives the same notification in Home assistant as the vibration trigger.
It would be wonderfull if it is possible to distinguish both these triggers; “door open/close” and “Vibration”.

I have this sensor outside on the gate, and notice that when there is a gust of wind, the alarm is triggered.