Bosch Smart Home Smoke Detector II

Hello, I have 3 Bosch Smart Home Smoke Detector II without a Bosch Smart Home II controller, smart hub.
As they work on Radio protocolZigBee 3.0 can I buy a ZigBee 3.0 dongle and integrate in my home assistant running on raspberry pi?


ZHA and Z2M support the Smoke Detectors when used with a USB Coordinator that supports QR code pairing.

Check the documentation of ZHA or Z2M to see which are supported.

Worked for me with ZbDongle-E and ZBDongle-P with either ZHA or Z2M.

But, the pairing of alarms feature is not implemented yet, neither is the testing possibility.

So I just got the SHC II for the other Bosch Smart Home devices I have as well.