Bosch Smart Home

Hi Erik,
I got the value by just monitoring the event bus (Developer Tools > Events) and use a * for the definition of what to listen for then hit the test button, you will see the device where you presses the button first and then the event for the smoke detection system overall.

As for how to test, I am with you that it should look just like the real thing in the data (with maybee an EXTRA flag that you can check to determine if its a test). However, one I was happy with the TEST working ok I copied it to the real version of the automation and got the matches out (amazon cardboard wallets burn well) to prove it REALLY worked.

Here is an exampl of the event you will see.

Event 12 fired 13:38:
    "event_type": "state_changed",
    "data": {
        "entity_id": "binary_sensor.hall_smokealarm",
        "old_state": {
            "entity_id": "binary_sensor.hall_smokealarm",
            "state": "off",
            "attributes": {
                "smokedetectorcheck_state": "NONE",
                "alarmstate": "IDLE_OFF",
                "friendly_name": "Hall Smoke Alarm",
                "icon": "mdi:smoke-detector",
                "device_class": "smoke"
            "last_changed": "2021-12-27T21:02:55.487423+00:00",
            "last_updated": "2022-01-01T12:18:43.090604+00:00",
            "context": {
                "id": "b65272a68c5aa869069c2b715f413094",
                "parent_id": null,
                "user_id": null
        "new_state": {
            "entity_id": "binary_sensor.hall_smokealarm",
            "state": "off",
            "attributes": {
                "smokedetectorcheck_state": "SMOKE_TEST_OK",
                "alarmstate": "IDLE_OFF",
                "friendly_name": "Hall Smoke Alarm",
                "icon": "mdi:smoke-detector",
                "device_class": "smoke"
            "last_changed": "2021-12-27T21:02:55.487423+00:00",
            "last_updated": "2022-01-03T13:38:58.686452+00:00",
            "context": {
                "id": "3209a1eedd619cd7a24b32cbcbf25905",
                "parent_id": null,
                "user_id": null
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2022-01-03T13:38:58.686452+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "3209a1eedd619cd7a24b32cbcbf25905",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

nice! i was listening for the wrong events, but now it works.

a short question about this plugin: i think about using a bosch smart plug to control my dishwasher. is it possible to check the consumtion? current and total?`
thank you

Yes, that’s possible. I use a smart plug on my washing machine to notify me when it’s finished. Works perfectly.

thank you for the fast reply!

Hi Thomas,

It’s been a while since we last “talked” - well no wonder: You are doing a wonderful job in owning this extension making it effortless fur us! Thank you for that! :slight_smile:

You probably did see the firmware-Update of the SHC this week.
Did you check if the light sensor of the Bosch motion Sensors are also exposed at the API now?
Would be a great addition to have the data about the light level within home assistant! Would really extent the use of these motion sensors!

Let me know if I can do something to help!
Best wishes,

I have a motion sensor as well, l‘ll check for additional services with the new update.
I checked this, there’s a new service called MultiLevelSensor.

        "@type": "DeviceServiceData",
        "id": "MultiLevelSensor",
        "deviceId": "hdm:ZigBee:000xxx",
        "state": {
            "@type": "illuminanceLevelState",
            "illuminance": 5
        "path": "/devices/hdm:ZigBee:000xxx/services/MultiLevelSensor"

I’ll integrate this, however my motion sensor’s battery is empty, so I have to renew this first to test it :see_no_evil:

HI Thomas,

I do get some error messages recently I don’t understand.
I don’t have any Bosch Switches…


This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.entity
Source: custom_components/bosch_shc/
Integration: Bosch SHC (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:11:34 (16 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:19:13

Update for switch.flur_oben fails
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 527, in async_update_ha_state
await self.async_device_update()
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 722, in async_device_update
raise exc
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/”, line 58, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/config/custom_components/bosch_shc/”, line 201, in update
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/boschshcpy/”, line 350, in update
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘short_poll’

And also

Logger: boschshcpy
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/boschshcpy/
First occurred: 10:11:20 (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:18:32

Error in polling thread: ‘@type’. Waiting 15 seconds.

Any Idea what this could be about?

Hi Thomas,

one more thing…
I am just automating stuff around my smoke detector‘s.
While doing this, I discovered that my one twinguard seams not to show its smoke detection state.
I only find entity’s for temperature, co2, humidity and air quality. Can you give me a hint on how I can read out the smoke detection state of this device?

Thank you!

Hi @kai-seipp
I have to dig deeper here. What kind of device is switch.flur_oben? The method should be called only for devices like Camera Eyes or Camera360.

For the Twinguard, it does not provide a smoke detection state like the Smoke Detector is providing. Best is to listen to the overall `SmokeDetectionSystem which is triggered in case of an alarm of any one of the connects smoke detectors incl. Twinguard.

Best, Thomas

Ah! Than it is my Camera360!
I was wondering what switch I have.
Let me know if you need something from me!

And thanks for your answer of cause! :slight_smile:

Hey, I got a question.

In the bosch smart home app you can set an offset value (Angleichung einstellen) for each thermostat. Would it be possible to control this in the home assistant?

Btw thanks for this integration, its crazy.

Hi @tschamm ,

thank you for this very helpful integration.
I have used it now since its first release.

However, recently the switch for my Camera360 stopped working.
It still shows the appropriate state (on or off), when I use the Bosch app, but when I try to switch it on via Home Assistant, the switch jumps back to off after a couple of seconds and nothing else happens.

This has already occured before your latest update.
I have made sure that the Smart Home Controller can control the camera, restarted everything, but the issue is still there. Am I missing something?

Thank you!



Are you able to control your 360 camera ?
If yes im interesting to know what is the workaround at this time.


Hi @mushuthecat, @Thomas_S
can you please report an issue on github if the problem is still persistent: Issues · tschamm/boschshc-hass · GitHub
It would be great, if you can provide an excerpt using postman with the device and service states when the switch is on and off.

With “switch” you mean toggeling privacy mode? Maybe something has changed on the API side, at least the CameraEyes recently got some updates.

Best, Thomas

Hello Everybody!
thanks for dev of this integration esp @tschamm :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
I am yet wondering, can I somehow (config.yaml?) enable also gathering the data of the “target temperature” or other events/settings (schedules, rapid heating, heating break) of the thermostats?
thanks in advance for help:)

PS.: am new here, but I tried to find some info about this and couldn’t so far - sorry if I oversaw anything…

Hi @bypass_rushed0
the target temperature is associated with a room, not with a single individual thermostat. So you can gather the setpoint temperature using the ROOM_CLIMATE_CONTROL devices. I hope this is what you looked for.
Best, Thomas

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Dear all,
Bosch started to release a new generation of smart home devices recently. Most of the new devices will have a postfix “II” in their name. Unfortunately, I do not own these new devices and I have no use for them, as I have equipped my house already completly with the previous generation. Providing support for generation 2 therefor is more difficult for me, as I cannot test and validate the functionality of my code.

If you own generation 2 devices, feel free to contribute to the boschshc component with your own code, I’d be glad. To integrate new devices, I will continue to support as good as possible. For this, I implemented a rawscan function in the boschshcpy library. In case you miss support for a specific device or service, please provide the scan result as a feature request, this will help a bit. I’ll added a howto documentation on rawscans in the boschshcpy/

Best, Thomas

Hi @tschamm

Thanks for your message.

I followed your link and it seems that your HACS integration is for the bosh smart home controler ?
In my case i have a Bosh 360 camera 1st gen but i dont have the smart home controler because i have not more than 1 bosh device.
If i understand, this camera can not be integrated if i did not have the smart home controler that’s it ?


That’s correct, you‘ll need a shc controller to access camera control. I‘m not aware of a direct option to control the cam.