Which Version of HA are you using? Did you take a look into the protocols? I can test it next week, if there has been a breaking change.
The November and now the December version. No joy in both. Nothing relevant in the logs. Exact versions see above.
Hi Thomas, did you find anything? Anything I can help with? Lothar
You mentioned somewhere running HA in a VM ( or container?) on Proxmox?
Did you try to install an additional HA instance in Proxmox, with a minimal set of integrations, one of course being the Bosch SHC integration from HACS.
Just to check if something is broken with the device registration in your current HA.
no I did not, but might be a good aproach to verify. Oth, others have the same issue und I had very little integrations when I tried to integrate SHC. As the pem files are being created, this appears to be on the SHC integration side. What is confusing is that I have a
while the pem files are in
may something is mixed up due to a former (non HACS) install of bosch_shc
what is the correct location of the pem files? What is their naming? I do have
bosch_shc-key_[mac-adress].pem bosch_shc-cert_[mac-adress].pem
Stupid question first… you did check that the integration isn’t listed as deactivated or ignored in the integration list?
PEM files are in folder bosch_shc here, “bosch_shc”-folder is in the main-config folder. That’s the intended location. The folder inside “custom_components” is the Python-Code for the integration
Naming scheme is as you describe it.
Enabling debug for the integration might be helpful, but difficult if you can’t see the integration, not sure if this can also be done from the command line or by modifying some configuration?
I was thinking about a similar issue with another device ( Synology NAS integration), in this case an incomplete configuration item still existed in one of the internal config files.
We compared things with my working configuration but at the end he
- made sure to have a full backup
- stopped HA ( core stop from console in proxmox)
- removed the entry from “core.config_entries” inside the hidden “.storage” folder. If you browse the file the entry for SHC is easy to identify, either by the hostname, MAC or the parameters for the PEM-Files. The SMB AddIn might be helpful to alter the file while HA itself is offline
- start HA from console
no warranties…
ok, now it show as “newly discovered”. That looks good. As I am not on site to push the button, I can not test further. Can you provide me your line, so I can compare. The create date in the line looks old, likely when I started setting it up first time. Current asuumption is, that this line was created by the official version and after switching to the HACS version of SHC something was wrong in this line but blocked from my SHC being rediscovered.
Here ( some data changed for privacy)
{"created_at":"1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00","data":{"host":"","hostname":"aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff","ssl_certificate":"/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/bosch_shc/bosch_shc-cert_aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff.pem","ssl_key":"/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/bosch_shc/bosch_shc-key_aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff.pem","token":"TOKENTOKENTOKENTOKEN:aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff"},"disabled_by":null,"discovery_keys":{"zeroconf":[{"domain":"zeroconf","key":["_http._tcp.local.","Bosch SHC [aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff]._http._tcp.local."],"version":1}]},"domain":"bosch_shc","entry_id":"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa","minor_version":1,"modified_at":"2024-10-06T17:17:29.608367+00:00","options":{},"pref_disable_new_entities":false,"pref_disable_polling":false,"source":"user","title":"shcddeeff","unique_id":"aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff","version":1},
my “production” instance is installed as Core, Python venv on Debian, moved a couple weeks ago from a Pi4 to a Lenovo ThinkCentre with Proxmox, hence the absolute path to the certificates in the home-folder
That was it. Seems the line was broken and introduced by the other bosch_shc installation. Likely a bug, as there is a name collision between the two bosch_shc versions.
Hi there and merry christmas. Will there be support for the bosch ip cameras? I am no python expert so I was wondering if there will be the feature to add the devices as well?
@tschamm and others: Many thanks first of all for all the work for this nice integration!!!
I have two questions and hope anybody can help me:
With the Alarm service I use only home, away and deactivated, NOT the custom one which is also called a little bit strange in german as “Mit Bypass”, where it is not clear to me what this shall mean. Is there a possibility to remove that state somehow?
Is there the time to work on bringing back the relais, compare micromodule_relay devices no longer available · Issue #113 · tschamm/boschshc-hass? I’m just asking not to stress somebody working in his/her free time, rather than to know if I have to spend time to setup a workaround via ioBroker (where Relais are working) for me.
Many many thanks!!!
It would be great to add support for “TRV_GEN2_DUAL” devices. My room devices are available while the single thermostats are missing. Thanks a lot!
2025-01-09 13:25:07.010 DEBUG (SHCPollingThread) [boschshcpy] Long poll: {‘rootDeviceId’: ‘00-00-00-00-00-00’, ‘@type’: ‘device’, ‘supportedProfiles’: , ‘profile’: ‘GENERIC’, ‘installationTimestamp’: 1735424567666, ‘deviceServiceIds’: [‘CommunicationQuality’, ‘Thermostat’, ‘BatteryLevel’, ‘ValveTappet’, ‘DisplayedTemperatureConfiguration’, ‘DisplayConfiguration’, ‘DisplayDirection’, ‘TemperatureLevel’, ‘Linking’, ‘TemperatureOffset’], ‘roomId’: ‘hz_1’, ‘manufacturer’: ‘BOSCH’, ‘serial’: ‘0000000000000000’, ‘parentDeviceId’: ‘roomClimateControl_hz_1’, ‘name’: ‘TRV Smart Thermostat II [+M]’, ‘deviceModel’: ‘TRV_GEN2_DUAL’, ‘id’: ‘hdm:ZigBee:0000000000000000’, ‘childDeviceIds’: , ‘status’: ‘AVAILABLE’}
Apologies, I am not sure that this is really the right place to ask this but I am not sure where is and I am hoping someone on here might know the answer.
Anyway, I have been using the integration for years and it works great but it suddenly stopped working (a little before Christmas).
I checked the logs and see:
Logger: root
Source: custom_components/bosch_shc/config_flow.py:72
integration: Bosch SHC ([documentation](https://github.com/tschamm/boschshc-hass/blob/b44a8034d9dce506f60b7b323f2533e549c7a031/README.md), [issues](https://github.com/tschamm/boschshc-hass/issues))
First occurred: 20 December 2024 at 23:08:22 (5818 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:46:51
* Failed to get public information from SHC controller: API call returned SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8446): Max retries exceeded with url: /smarthome/public/information (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1000)'))).
* Failed to get public information from SHC controller: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8446): Max retries exceeded with url: /smarthome/public/information (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f6ce520f0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
* Failed to get public information from SHC controller: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8446): Max retries exceeded with url: /smarthome/public/information (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f6ae85d30>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] Host is unreachable'))
So I checked with openssl s_client -connect and I find the cert is indeed expired.
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C = DE, O = Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, CN = Smart Home Controller Issuing CA
Not Before: Dec 12 18:12:58 2022 GMT
Not After : Dec 12 18:12:58 2024 GMT
Subject: C = DE, O = Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH
Does anyone have a clue about how I get a new cert on the SHC device ?
Which Version is installed on your Smart Home Controller?
Mine has 10.24.4224-2178
Of yours is older, you might try to install an update via the official app.
Mine is older than yours but it clearly knows an update is available from the info on the public api.
The app on my phone cannot connect to it for some reason (I wonder if its possibly because the TLS cert is expired, creating a loop - need the app to update the firmware but need new firmware for the app to connect?). I wonder if it’s possible to upgrade the firmware without the app (like with the USB port). Might have to resort to calling Bosch!
"softwareUpdateState": {
"@type": "softwareUpdateState",
"swUpdateState": "UPDATE_AVAILABLE",
"swUpdateLastResult": "DOWNLOAD_FAILED",
"swUpdateAvailableVersion": "10.24.4224-2178",
"swInstalledVersion": "10.19.3409-29770",
"swActivationDate": {
"@type": "softwareActivationDate",
"activationDate": "2024-12-18T11:31:14.698Z",
"timeout": 604800000,
"latestActivationDate": "2024-12-18T11:31:14.698Z",
"updateReceived": "2024-12-11T11:31:14.698Z"
"automaticUpdatesEnabled": false